We Are New York Values

Reproductive Rights


Mission: Support women traveling to NYC for abortion services.

Website: http://www.havencoalition.org/volunteer-information.html
Phone: 917-371-2035
Email: havencoalition@gmail.com

What volunteers do:

  • provide out-of-town patients and those accompanying them with a safe place to stay, dinner, and transportation to and from clinics (can travel via public transportation

  • sign up for on-call days each month (not every on-call day results in a call)


  • must be able to offer a place to sleep and be able to meet patients at 5:30 p.m. at the clinic, which may be in Manhattan, Queens, or occasionally the South Bronx

  • when you contact them, please provide your phone number and email, and neighborhood if you'd like to host

Borough: clinics in the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens

Mission: We are a rapid response creative production team, made up of comedy writers, comedians and activists, on call 24/7 to make videos, artistic memes and create national actions that respond instantly to the breaking news surrounding reproductive rights issues. We will within minutes, or hours, blast the perpetrators dispensing damaging information about abortion, crisis pregnancy centers, birth control as well as taking down those who shame and stigmatize women for wanting, having and demanding safe and healthy sex lives on their own terms. At Lady Parts Justice League, we vigilantly drop information about what’s at stake for reproductive access into pop culture spaces, AND we bring all the fun of pop culture back to reproductive health spaces to boost morale and provide aid and comfort. A crucial part of our mission is to support and raise awareness about independent abortion providers – clinics that bear the brunt of anti-abortion legislation and harassment.

Website: http://ladypartsjusticeleague.com/clinic-outreach/
Phone: n/a
Email: info@ladypartsjusticeleague.com

What volunteers do:

  • several times a year, the League performs comedy shows in a USO format to bring love to women’s health clinics and their communities; volunteers spend those days supporting a local abortion provider as clinic escorts, bringing treats and cards, offering support wherever needed

  • organize evening events

  • host parties

  • help fundraise

  • perform shows in community places to raise awareness about reproductive health while building relationships between clinics, advocates, and communities

Mission: The National Institute for Reproductive Health works across the country to increase access to reproductive health care by changing public policy, galvanizing public support, and normalizing women’s decisions to have abortions and use contraception. We’re working toward a society in which each person has the freedom to control their reproductive and sexual lives. We believe that building a strong interconnected, yet decentralized movement focused on changing policy and the public discourse on reproductive health, rights, and justice is essential to reaching our goals.

Website: http://www.nirhealth.org/what-we-do/action-fund/get-involved/become-an-activist/
Phone: 212-343-0114
Email: activist@prochoiceny.org

What volunteers do:

  • canvass and phonebank for pro-choice candidates

  • amplify social-media presence

  • write op-eds

Borough: Manhattan office

Mission: The New York Abortion Access Fund supports anyone who is unable to pay fully for an abortion and is living in or traveling to New York State by providing financial assistance and connections to other resources. The New York Abortion Access Fund believes that every person should be able to determine their own reproductive destiny and have access to the resources, rights, and respect to be able to do so. We believe that access to affordable abortion care is a critical component of full-spectrum healthcare services. We are working towards a world where abortion funds are not necessary because affordable, safe abortion care is part of mainstream medical practice and covered fully by all types of insurance. At our core, we believe that anyone seeking an abortion has the right to access one. We recognize that systems of oppression, including racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, and others contribute to systemic injustices in the healthcare system. NYAAF’s belief in physical autonomy is a core link between our belief in the right to an abortion, and our belief in the rights of transgender and gender nonconforming people to access holistic health care and services. We recognize that people who identify as men can become pregnant and seek abortions; we strive to meet the needs of all people who seek our funding. We work to provide additional resources to callers beyond the scope of abortion funding, such as referrals for Medicaid enrollment, to demonstrate that we value the wellbeing of our callers beyond their need for an abortion. NYAAF also recognizes that many of our callers would choose to continue their pregnancies if they were in different financial circumstances. As such, NYAAF does not try to speak for the motivations of our clients by framing abortion as an issue of choice. Reproductive freedom is a matter of social justice, not just an individual choice. We trust and support the decision of the caller and take their lead in adopting the language they use in talking about their pregnancy and circumstances.

Website: http://www.nyaaf.org/how-you-can-help/
Phone: n/a (phone is for hotline only)
Email: info@nyaaf.org with “Volunteer” in subject line
What volunteers do:

  • write content: direct mail, thank-you letters, blog posts

  • research health centers NYAAF should be working with

  • host or co-host a fundraising event to support NYAAF

  • spruce up our website and online presence

  • give guidance on legal issues

  • stuff envelopes for bi-annual fundraising mailings

Mission: Our mission is to defend and promote the fundamental principles and values embodied in the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, and the New York Constitution, including freedom of speech and religion, and the right to privacy, equality and due process of law for all New Yorkers. We believe that all New Yorkers have inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government or by majority vote. They are: 1) Freedom of speech, press, petition and assembly. Even unpopular expression is protected from government suppression and censorship. 2) Freedom of religion. Each of us has the right to exercise his or her own religion, or no religion, free from any government influence or compulsion. 3) Privacy. We have the right to be free from unwarranted and unwanted government intrusion into our personal and private affairs, papers and possessions. 4) Due process of law. We have right to be treated fairly by the government whenever the loss of liberty or property is at stake. 5) Equality before the law. We have the right to be treated equally regardless of nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, disability or socio-economic status. The NYCLU fights for civil liberties and civil rights through a multi-layered program of litigation, advocacy, public education and community organizing. Our clients are men and women, rich and poor, gay and straight, black, white and brown, young and old, religious and atheist, able-bodied and living with a disability, citizens and immigrants. When we vindicate their rights, all New Yorkers benefit.

Website: http://nyclu.org/content/our-advocacy-program
Volunteer sign-up form: https://action.aclu.org/secure/volunteer-nyclu
Phone: 212-607-3300
Email: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • online activism

  • grassroots lobbying

  • community organizing

  • lobby with NYCLU in Albany (next day of action March 13, 2017)

  • monitor protests

  • writing/journalism

  • research

  • help fundraise

  • graphic design

  • multimedia support

  • translate (Arabic , Chinese , French, Hindi, Korean, Kreyol, Polish, Spanish, Russian, Urdu)

  • photography/videography

  • education

Mission: We recruit, train and organize volunteer clinic escorts to support the patients and staff of Dr Emily's health center in the Bronx, which is targeted by protesters every Saturday morning year-round because they provide abortion care.  The work of clinic escorts is essential to ensuring that patients can access the legal healthcare they need, without disruption.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/nycacd/
Volunteer signup form: herehttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090a44a5a822a1fc1-saturday
Phone: N/A

What volunteers do:

  • protect women who are accessing reproductive care, including abortions, from protestors


  • shifts are Saturdays, 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

  • newcomers always paired with experienced escorts

  • training provided

  • volunteer agreement required

Borough: Bronx

Mission: NOW-NYC gives women a powerful voice.  As the largest NOW (National Organization for Women) chapter in the country, we play a key role in shaping the debate on the issues that impact women, creating policies, and holding government and business accountable to the women of New York. We work to defend reproductive rights, fight economic inequality, and end discrimination and violence against women.

Website: http://nownyc.org/get-involved/
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSexp4Ruc64-Xlgnven_9rdRKY1EvgipahmaVXqQ5vAmM_ndvw/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=send_form
Clinic escort form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewf8_ek8gsCuArSyoMQsmL2Z5pJX-OymEPUykyqjr2KfkiyQ/viewform
Phone: 212-627-9895
Email: contact@nownyc.org

What volunteers do:

  • phonebank

  • protest

  • lobby elected officials locally and in Albany

  • act as clinic escort

  • assist with fundraising

  • photography/videography

  • graphic design/web design

  • communications


  • training provided for clinic escorts

  • clinic escorts needed in Queens, every Saturday 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Borough: Manhattan, Queens

Mission: Physicians for Reproductive Health (Physicians) is a doctor-led national advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that both women and men, regardless of age or income, have access to comprehensive reproductive health care services, including contraception and abortion. We use scientific expertise and patients’ real-life experiences to influence legislation, medical practice, and public opinion. We advocate for reproductive health as a core part of all medical curricula. We train doctors to educate their colleagues and other health professionals on the best practices in reproductive and sexual health care.

Website: www.prh.org
Phone:  646-649-9915
Email: development@prh.org

What volunteers do: 

  • participate in outreach activities to build a community of informed advocates

  • assist with fundraising

  • assist with educational, advocacy and donor events

Mission: The mission of Planned Parenthood is to provide comprehensive reproductive and complementary health care services in settings which preserve and protect the essential privacy and rights of each individual; to advocate public policies which guarantee these rights and ensure access to such services; to provide educational programs which enhance understanding of individual and societal implications of human sexuality; and to promote research and the advancement of technology in reproductive health care and encourage understanding of their inherent bioethical, behavioral, and social implications.

Website: https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-new-york-city/get-involved-locally/volunteer-intern
Volunteer signup form: http://tinyurl.com/zdn7uj9
Phone: 212-274-7284
Email: volunteer@ppnyc.org

What volunteers do:

  • join activist councils on sex ed, political action, field (distributing PPNYC info), or fundraising

  • monthly volunteer nights to do office tasks

  • work in clinic as greeter, client liaison, recovery room assistant, admin assistant

  • work in public affairs, advocacy, media/communications

  • health center escort

  • data entry, admin assistance

  • assist with fundraising

  • assist with volunteer nights