After the 2016 presidential election, many New Yorkers were moved to become engaged (or re-engaged, or more deeply engaged) in civic life. This website began as a guide to organizations around New York City – some over a century old, some just a few years old -- that serve communities or fight for causes that came under threat from the Trump administration. Even though that threat is now over, they can still all use your volunteer time and skills.
We hope you find this website useful. We're happy to add organizations that need volunteers. (Donating is great, and we certainly hope you'll donate when and where you can, but this site is specifically about volunteering.)
Since this site went live, volunteers have stepped up around the country to build sister sites for their own communities. To start a site where you live, or for any other inquiries, please email
Jeanne Heifetz
Jeanne Heifetz is an artist and curator based in Brooklyn. Many years ago, she worked as a researcher, which came in handy when she decided to compile this resource guide.
Josh Dean
Josh Dean is the co-founder of (formerly Hakook) and also Now It's On Us. His work primarily focuses on increasing civic engagement.