We Are New York Values

Adult Literacy/ESOL


Mission: Adhikaar, meaning rights, is a New York-based nonprofit organizing the Nepali-speaking community to promote human rights and social justice for all. Since 2005, Adhikaar has been committed to improving the lives of the Nepali-speaking community and getting our voices heard in the social justice movement. We facilitate access to information and resources on immigration, health, workers’ rights, and other issues; we organize the community to collectively advocate against social injustices and human rights abuses; we conduct participatory action research and policy advocacy on issues affecting our community; and we build leadership of members, with the focus on marginalized groups within the Nepali-speaking community.

Website: https://www.adhikaar.org/volunteer/
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdiBbe3UmtG-eFDdWqLrlGR1TPrZ1CN740vsKhpGCY2DtujyA/viewform
Email: info@adhikaar.org
Phone: 718-937-1117

What volunteers do:

  • weekly English classes (at least 3 months' commitment)

  • outreach/community engagement

  • voter engagement (door knocking, phone banking)

  • research/writing

  • interpret/translate

  • administrative assistance

  • event assistance

  • publicity/media

  • fundraising

  • IT Support


  • Nepali, Tibetan, Hindi, a plus

Borough: Queens

Mission: Our mission is to support and empower the Arab immigrant and Arab-American community by providing services to help them adjust to their new home and become active members of society. Our aim is for families to achieve the ultimate goals of independence, productivity and stability. 

Website: https://www.arabamericanny.org/get-involved
Phone: 718-745-3523
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3_d0ccBpuekemLl96mfxpvB0poZQEs3shhbV1Ko1RLPKzYQ/viewform
Email: Volunteer@ArabAmericanNY.org

What volunteers do:

  • ESOL

  • citizenship practice

  • women's advocacy

  • email support

  • security specialists


  • volunteer opportunities available 7 days a week

Borough: Brooklyn office; citywide opportunities

Mission: BronxWorks helps individuals and families improve their economic and social well-being. From toddlers to seniors, we feed, shelter, teach, and support our neighbors to build a stronger community. In all aspects of our work, BronxWorks strives for the highest ethical and performance standards and is guided by the belief that people are to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their present situation or past experiences.

Website: https://bronxworks.org/take-action/volunteer-with-us/
Email: https://bronxworks.org/contact-us/
Phone: 646-393-4000

What volunteers do:

  • attorneys and JD candidates assist low income individuals in the preparation of affirmative applications for immigration benefits

  • community health advocates conduct street outreach, attend afternoon and evening community meetings, plan informational sessions

  • Positive Living volunteers help serve lunch/dinner or assist in food pantry for people living with HIV/AIDS

  • administrative work

  • teach ESOL

  • teach Civics


  • training provided for all volunteer positions

  • community health outreach volunteers must have strong writing and computer experience and be comfortable with public speaking

  • other Positive Living opportunities available, based on interests

  • ESOL and Civics classes happen Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Borough: Bronx

Mission: The mission of Brooklyn Public Library is to ensure the preservation and transmission of society's knowledge, history and culture, and to provide the people of Brooklyn with free and open access to information for education, recreation and reference. Brooklyn Public Library will be a vital center of knowledge for all, accessible 24 hours a day, and will be a leader in traditional and innovative library services which reflect the diverse and dynamic spirit of the people of Brooklyn.

Website: https://www.bklynlibrary.org/support/volunteer
Volunteer application: https://bpl.bklynlibrary.org/volunteer/
Email: https://bpl.bklynlibrary.org/questionpoint/write_us.aspx
Phone: 718-230-2100

What volunteers do:

  • adult literacy tutors work with a small group of adults who read below a 5th-grade level on reading, writing, technology, and critical thinking (commitment of 2 2-hour sessions/week or 1 3-hour session/week for one year)

  • homework helpers assist children one on one and in small groups on homework and use of library materials (commitment 2-3 hours/week between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. for six months)

  • Book Buddies are youth volunteers who work with younger children on reading, arts, crafts, and library activities; assist library staff (commitment 2-3 hours week for 3 months; in summer, 3-9 hours week for three weeks)

  • Citizenship exam coaches work with small groups on speaking, reading, writing, navigating the naturalization process (commitment 2-3 hours/week for 6 months)

  • computer coaches assist library patrons in use of computers both for library tasks and advanced software programs (commitment 2-3 hours/week for three months)

  • English conversation group leaders select material for discussion in small groups and lead conversations (commitment 2-3 hours/week for a minimum of 6 months)

  • First Five Years volunteers work with children birth to five and their parents and caregivers, assisting in selection of materials, reading aloud, supporting library programs and maintaining First Five Years space (commitment 2 hours/week for six months)

  • high school tutors help students with homework, standardized tests and college applications; shifts are between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. M-Th (commitment 2-3 hours/week for six months)

  • Reading Troubadours work alone or in teams of two at non-profit health care clinics reading to children, and their parents/ caregivers; distribute donated books; introduce parents and caregivers to libraries and services; submit monthly reports on activities; shifts between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. M-F and between (;00 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Saturdays (commitment of 2 hours/week for six months)

  • shelf organizers help BPL staff maintain materials in proper locations (commitment 2-3 hours/week for 3 months)

  • resume coaches assist library patrons/visitors with resumes, cover letters, job applicatiosn, thank you lettesr and other employment related letters, providing critique, editing, and suggestions for revision (commitment 2-3 hours/week for 3 months)

  • Central Library Welcome Ambassadors assist patrons in navigating the library and answering other Brooklyn-related questions (commitment 2-3 hours/week for 6 months)


  • most but not all positions require volunteers to be 18

  • application, interview, information session, initial 20-hour training and follow-up training required for adult literacy tutors; materials and curriculum provided

  • online application and background check required for tutoring children, First Five Years program, Reading Troubadors

  • training provided for citizenship exam coaches, English conversation group leaders, high-school tutors, Reading Troubadors, resume coaches

  • knowledge of a second language useful but not required (Spanish and Cantonese particularly helpful for Reading Troubadors)

Borough: Brooklyn

Mission: The mission of Cabrini Immigrant Services of NYC (CIS-NYC) is to provide essential services to immigrants in the spirit of Mother Cabrini, patron saint of immigrants and founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Since its inception in 1999, CIS-NYC has worked with the immigrant community all over New York City and serves all persons residing in the metro area regardless of age, race, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or immigration status.

Website: https://cis-nyc.org/volunteer
Email: info@cis-nyc.org
Phone: 212-791-4590 x100
What volunteers do:

  • food pantry volunteers unload shipments, organize the pantry, distribute food (Mondays and Tuesdays)

  • Cantonese speakers help with Tuesday food distribution, phone calls, and document translation

  • social media

  • Photoshop

  • Microsoft Access

  • marketing and media (writing and graphic design)

  • course/workshop instructor in English, Spanish, civics, immigration law, knitting, cooking

  • paralegals and lawyers donate pro-bono time and expertise

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Center for Family Life, a program of SCO Family of Services, is a neighborhood-based family and social-services organization with deep roots in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Our mission is to promote positive outcomes for children, adults, and families in Sunset Park through the provision of a comprehensive range of neighborhood-based family and social services. These include family counseling and neighborhood-based foster care; cultural, educational, and recreational programs at neighborhood public schools, adult and youth employment programs; and an emergency storefront for food and advocacy. We partner with the community to provide access to resources and opportunities for personal growth and the development of interpersonal relationships that sustain and nurture families, support youth to develop into confident, capable adults and enrich the quality of life for neighborhood residents.

Website: https://sco.org/get-involved/
Phone: 718-895-2555
Email: info@cianainc.org

What volunteers do: 

  • supervise homework, tutor, mentor pre-college students, assist in theater program (available slots weekdays 2:30-6; some sites open until 9 at night and Saturdays; weekly commitment for several months)

  • teach specialized skills to kids and/or adults (e.g., sewing, knitting, crocheting, music, gardening)

  • short-term help in food pantry

  • teach adult literacy, GED (Spanish and Mandarin extremely helpful in some of their sites)


  • free fingerprinting required to work with students if no other adult will be present

Borough: Brooklyn

Mission: CIANA serves new immigrants in New York City, providing culturally competent and language appropriate services to newcomers from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. Newcomers are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities available to them, to enjoy the freedoms and protections that the US offers, to take pride in their cultural heritage and to blend the best of their ethnic identity with that of their new country.

Website: https://www.cianainc.org/volunteer
Phone: 718-545-4040
Email: info@cianainc.org or volunteer coordinator Emiliano Barron: emiliano@cianainc.org

What Volunteers Do: 

  • assist ESOL instructor and/or civics instructor (10-1, T, W, Th, adult education or ESOL experience required)

  • case manager

  • tutor elementary-school kids

  • social media, community outreach, write grants, fundraise, PR, web development, office assistance

  • pro-bono immigration attorneys lead one-hour Saturday Pathway to U.S. workshops at sites around Queens or 4 hours on-site per week (assist with changes of status, petitions for family members, DACA renewal, and N-400 applications)


  • Arabic, Spanish, Bengali very helpful

Borough: Queens

Mission: Based in New York's Chinatown/Lower East Side, the Chinese Progressive Association works towards social and economic justice for our community. We build ties with other communities and support justice and equality for all. We provide educational, advocacy, service, and organizing programs that raise the community's living and working standards, involve residents in the decision making processes that affect our lives, bring together people from of diverse backgrounds and walks of life.

Website: https://www.cpanyc.info/volunteer.html
Volunteer application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5PllWCyr1c7muLDFrNTGisgxm8BooN4icvCLZabIng56LbA/viewform
Teaching application: https://bit.ly/volunteerteacherapplication
Email: cpanyc@cpanyc.org
Phone: 212-274-1891

What volunteers do:

  • voter registration and education (Chinese Political Empowerment Project)

  • teach English & citizenship classes

  • outreach and education, citizenship application clinic (Immigrant Rights Project)

  • facilitate Shared Stories Youth Program (plan and run social activism activities for youth ages 15-21)

  • work on Environmental Health and Justice Project

  • plan special events

  • translate and interpret


  • training provided for community outreach

  • Immigrant Rights Projects volunteers work Saturdays or Sundays

  • teaching commitment is 2 hours/week weekday mornings or evenings; preference given to volunteers able to commit to 2 semesters; teaching experience preferred; bilingual skills a plus

  • youth group sessions are Sundays, 10:30-1:00

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Commonpoint is a community centric nonprofit, serving diverse audiences through every chapter of life, across the five boroughs and beyond. We offer a rich range of services through our vast network of professionals, social workers, and volunteers, giving people the tools and resources to connect and grow.

Website: https://volunteers.commonpoint.org/volunteer-sign-up
Email: resettlement_volunteers@commonpoint.org
Phone: 732-639-1579

What volunteers do:

  • ESOL tutors support clients to gain English language skills in speaking, reading, and writing

  • conversation partners work one-on-one with mentees to help practice speaking English through informal conversations over virtual platforms


  • tutors must have TESOL certification and/or significant experience teaching English to non-native speakers

  • tutorial meetings are usually virtual, either one-on-one or in small groups of up to six students

  • conversation partners do not require certification or teaching experience

  • conversation partners work one-on-one with mentees through virtual platforms

  • based on mentee’s interest, conversations may focus on preparing for a job in a specific field or preparing for job interviews, or just general conversation skills

  • commitment is two hours per week for a minimum of 5 months for tutors or conversation partners

Borough: Queens (volunteering is virtual)

Mission: The English-Speaking Union arose from the conviction of its founder, Sir Evelyn Wrench, that given the opportunity to know one another personally, people who shared a common language would soon discover that they also shared similar values, whatever their differences in nationality or background. He imagined the ESU as an inclusive organization "founded in no narrow attitude of race pride, in no spirit of hostility to any people." Its educational mission would be carried out by a host of activities allowing for personal contact between peoples at every level. The Andrew Romay New Immigrant Center (ARNIC) is a free program that helps recent low-income immigrants, including asylum seekers, to participate fully in American society.

Website: https://www.esuus.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Mentor volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7bAxBD6SU0KdsWm9NpI_-wUwvjzNioBgea71d2AyEJV_csg/viewform
Conversation partner signup form: https://esuus-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtcOuhpz8vHNGhzY1XOnTSdEZJxPKzqmaY#/registration
Email: eia@esuus.org
Phone: 212-818-1200

What volunteers do:

  • English in Action volunteers become conversation partners for non-native speakers

  • mentor immigrant job seekers


  • conversation partners volunteer two hours/week, Tuesday evenings or Saturday mornings

  • orientation session offered weekly

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: To assist marginalized youth, families, and immigrants to create vibrant neighborhoods where residents are decision makers who take responsibility for the improvement of their lives and surroundings. IMANI HOUSE believes that everyone can succeed if they are motivated and have access to appropriate skills, information and opportunities.

Website: https://www.imanihouse.org/volunteer
Phone: 718-638-2059
Email: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • tutor for adult literacy, GED, ESOL

Borough: Brooklyn

Mission: Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement  is a community-based, non-profit organization providing comprehensive services and programs to youth, families, immigrants and seniors in the western Queens community. The mission of Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement is to build and strengthen underserved communities in Western Queens and to act as a catalyst for change.

Website: https://www.riissettlement.org/volunteer/
Email: info@riissettlement.org
Phone: 718-784-7447 x133

What volunteers do:

  • become conversation partners and tutors for adult English for Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) learners in the Immigrant Services program

  • citizenship tutoring for immigrants

  • tutoring, homework help, and group project supervision in Riis Academy (after-school and summer youth development program)

  • tutor for K-12 students between 3-9 weekdays, minimum one hour/week, six-month commitment

  • mentor older students 6:30-9 weekdays, minimum one/hour/week one-year commitment

  • collect donations, plan events

  • translate for non-English speakers at senior center

  • one-time opportunities include service days, art projects, holiday meals and celebrations, painting at community center, revitalizing community garden

Borough: Queens

Mission: JASA's mission is to sustain and enrich the lives of the aging in the New York metropolitan area so that they can remain in the community with dignity and autonomy. Founded in 1968, JASA is one of New York’s largest and most trusted agencies serving older adults in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Long Island. We provide life sustaining programs for seniors and peace of mind for their families and friends. We fulfill the Jewish value of honoring the aging while serving adults of all races, religions, and economic backgrounds.

Website: https://www.jasa.org/get-involved/volunteer
Email: volunteer@jasa.org
Phone: 212-273-5353

What volunteers do:

  • lead a class, lecture, or activity for seniors  (e.g. art, creative writing, computer, exercise, Russian bilingual computer coach, current events discussion, ESOL for Russian speakers, ESOL for Spanish speakers, fitness, jewelry, knitting/crochet, sing-along, Tai chi, walking club, choral group)

  • assist with registration and lunch service

  • administrative help (file, organize mailings, data entry, scheduling)

  • assist with group trips for seniors

Borough: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan

Mission: KCS envisions a world where immigrant communities remain grounded in their heritage and work together with the broader community to build a better society at large. KCS’s mission is to be a bridge for Korean immigrants and the wider Asian community to fully integrate into society and overcome any economic, health and linguistic barriers so that they become independent and thriving members of the community. We accomplish this mission by providing culturally competent programs in the areas of aging, education, immigration, workforce development, and public health.

Website: https://kcsny.org/kcs-careers/#volunteer
Email: info@kcsny.org
Phone: 718-939-6137

What volunteers do:

  • communications/newsletter

  • teach adult literacy

  • translate/interpret Korean/English

  • social media

  • photography

  • tech support

  • administrative duties

  • nursing

  • web design

  • Google analytics

  • fundraise

  • register voters

  • assist in senior centers

  • assist at health fairs

  • assist in after-school and Saturday school

  • support job-training/workforce development programs for low-income and limited-English proficient seniors


  • Korean, Cantonese, or Mandarin a plus

Borough: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens

Mission: Lenox Hill Neighborhood House was founded in 1894 by the Alumnae Association of Normal College, now known as Hunter College of the City University of New York. We are among the oldest settlement houses in the nation and created one of the country's first kindergartens, providing educational and social services to indigent immigrants. We have long been a leader in addressing issues including affordable housing, working conditions, health care, hunger, education, poverty, unemployment, homelessness and long-term care for older adults.

Website: https://www.lenoxhill.org/volunteer/
Email: Anthony Snowden, volunteer director: asnowden@lenoxhill.org
Phone: 212-744-5022

What volunteers do:

  • lead a class or group activity at women’s mental-health shelter (one hour/week, four-month commitment required)

  • lead educational activities for residents of supportive housing (two hours/week between 9 and 5, M-F, four-month commitment required)

  • lead 8-week ESOL classes weekdays or evenings

  • tutor or teach computer skills (Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Instagram) at computer center days, evenings, weekends

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Literacy Partners strengthens families through a two-generation approach to education. With our free classes, low-income parents in New York City develop the literacy and language skills they need to succeed in today’s world. Our research-based curriculum also incorporates child development and parenting support to help parents boost their children’s early reading, school readiness, and social-emotional growth. We envision a future in which every parent has the tools to create success for themselves and a better future for their children. Children grow up in families with access to the resources and support they need to thrive.

Website: https://literacypartners.org/get-involved/volunteer
Email: volunteer@literacypartners.org
Phone: 212-725-9200

What volunteers do:

  • after a training session, facilitate a “We Are New York” English conversation group (two-hour weekly classes for ten weeks)

  • create content for social media

  • archive video footage

  • photograph events or classes

  • host or organize special events

Mission: The Educational Alliance’s historic East Broadway headquarters has been transformed into the Manny Cantor Center: a settlement house of yesterday and a community center for today, and tomorrow. Offering exciting events, award-winning programs, and critical services for people ages 0 to 100+, the Manny Cantor Center is a hub of diversity and inclusivity, of health and fitness, of education and of excellence. We hope the Manny Cantor Center will provide a space for growth, achievement, enjoyment and connection for all Lower East Siders today.

Website: https://mannycantor.org/mcc-changemakers-volunteer/
Volunteer form: https://mannycantor.org/mcc-changemakers/volunteer-opportunities/create-volunteer-profile/
Email: info@MannyCantor.org or Alegria Cloma, volunteer and civic engagement manager:acloma@edalliance.org 
Phone: 646-395-4280

What volunteers do:

  • serve lunch to older adults (set tables, take tickets, serve, clean) M-F, 11-1

  • serve dinner to seniors (assist with kitchen prep/cleanup, greet and interact with seniors) 4:30-6:15, M-F, demand highest Mon and Tues

  • sort and organize donated materials for use in children’s educational programs

  • pick up donations

  • assist teachers in school and family workshops using donated materials

  • discuss careers with teens

  • work in English conversation group with Chinese speakers, Thursdays, 1:00-2:00

  • work at theater ticket desk for seniors, once/week, 12:00-2:30

  • translate school materials into Cantonese or Mandarin, 8-10 hours/month

  • assist in ESOL classes for low-income parents of young students, commit weekly to either 9:30-11:30am or 11:45-1:15pm shift

  • tutor core high-school subject areas (English, Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Trignometry, Earth Science & Living Environment, Global & US history, Regents/Test Prep) either one-on-one or in small group (commit one day/week, M-Th, either 4-5pm or 5-6pm)


  • volunteer application required for all volunteering (needs change; current needs always posted on site)

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: In the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy, Mercy Center empowers women and their families in the South Bronx to liberate themselves from economic poverty. We promote their right to an improved quality of life by addressing the needs of the whole person, developing skills for healthy family living and economic advancement, and building a community of respect, hospitality, and non-violence.
Website: https://www.mercycenterbronx.org/volunteer
Email:  Judit Criado Fiuza, jfc@mercycenterbronx.org or info@MercyCenterBronx.org
Phone: 718-993-2789

What volunteers do:

  • ESOL instructor/ESOL conversation partner; morning, afternoon and evening classes, Monday-Saturday; instructors needed Mon-Fri 9 a.m -2 p.m. and 6 p.m-9 p.m. (commitment: 2 days/week, 2-3 hours/day)

  • computer instructor (English and Spanish-speaking) for basic computer skills and concepts as well as Microsoft Office (English Monday & Wednesday afternoons and evenings, Saturday afternoons; Spanish Tuesday & Thursday afternoons and evenings; Saturday afternoons; commitment: 1-2 days/week)

  • assist with tutoring/homework, computer tutorials, field trips (museums, cultural sites) and other enrichment activities for children grades K-8, Monday-Thursday, 3:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (commitment: 1-4 days/week)

  • one-on-one or small group reading instruction for children, grades K – 5, who are reading below grade level (Saturday morning sessions; prior teaching experience a plus) 

  • babysit ESOL participants’ children while they attend class (Tuesday-Friday, morning and late afternoon sessions; childhood education experience a plus)

  • screen potential naturalization applicants, assist with naturalization application completion, help naturalization candidates prepare for citizenship interviews. Spanish required. (Monday-Friday; commitment: 1-3 days/week, 4hrs+/day)

  • facilitate small-group conversations for parenting classes (experience facilitating small groups or working with parents preferred, especially in multicultural environments) Wednesdays, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.

  • administration (computer, general office work)

  • legal assistance (flexible hours, Spanish a plus)


  • for ESOL instructors, teaching experience required

Borough: Bronx

Mission: Mixteca's mission is to empower the Mexican and Latin-American immigrants of the New York area by providing access to services that enhance immigrants’ quality of life and will allow them to reach sustainable social and economic development. We offer a variety of programs and services that respond to the specific needs of recently arrived immigrant families and aim to build a supportive environment for the growing Mexican and Latin-American immigrant community.

Website: https://www.mixteca.org/en/volunteers
Volunteer signup form: http://tinyurl.com/j5b9kk3
Phone: 718-965-4795
Email: info@mixteca.org

What volunteers do:

  • ESOL instructor

  • adult literacy & basic education instructor

  • program assistant

  • academic tutor

  • clerical help

  • receptionist

  • assist with projects, fundraisers, community events, and activities


  • Spanish extremely helpful

Borough: Brooklyn

Mission: Our mission is to teach English and American culture to immigrants and other newcomers through a well-trained volunteer corps to help ease their transition from newcomer to New Yorker. We offer English language training and programs in American culture to immigrants, refugees, students, and other newcomers to the United States.  Each year, we serve hundreds of newcomers – our members – and manage a volunteer corps of more than 500.  Our members represent a wide variety of cultures and backgrounds from approximately 80 countries.  Many were trained professionals in their home countries, others come seeking an education and a better life for their children.

Website: https://www.newintlcenter.org/volunteer.html
Email: https://www.newintlcenter.org/contact-us.html
Phone: 646.901.3405

What volunteers do:

  • one-to-one conversation partner at the center

  • small-group conversation partner at community-based organizations and public schools throughout NYC

  • lead discussion classes covering English skills including pronunciation, grammar, idioms, and vocabulary

  • lead classes on topical subjects (e.g., U.S. history and politics, American culture, music, literature of food and cooking)

  • lead 1-3 session workshops on career skills (resume and cover letter writing, interviewing and networking); computer skills, internet training, math art, education

  • lead “How to Survive in New York” workshops on getting a driver's license, banking and budgeting, applying for college, and healthcare

  • volunteer registrars help introduce new members to the Center, give tours and help with the registration process

  • help with administrative tasks (answer phones, answer questions about programming, general office tasks)

  • outreach and recruitment (distribute flyers in the community, research new outreach contacts, help organize recruitment data, and help design outreach materials)


  • application and two references required

  • conversation partners must be native speakers of English

  • conversation partners paired with members based on their availability; conversation can take place any time during IC operating hours (Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. -8 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. -7 p.m.)

  • outreach programs take place twice a year for 10-18 weeks; conversation partners usually meet for an hour to ninety minutes with the learners in their group

Borough: Center is in Manhattan; outreach is citywide

Mission: Sapna NYC is an emerging non-profit serving the South Asian immigrant community from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh in New York City. Our organization reflects a unique academic-community partnership. In 2007, Dr. Alison Karasz, a faculty member at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and a clinical psychologist, received a grant from the National Institutes of Health to conduct a needs assessment and design a culturally competent intervention for depression in South Asian women immigrants. Over the two-year project, we heard the same message over and over again from participants, waiting list members, and families—“We need services! We need support! We need a space for women to gather!” Our organization provides services, fosters economic empowerment, and serves as a laboratory for the development of culturally appropriate health interventions.

Website: https://sapnanyc.org/volunteer/
Email: info@sapnanyc.org
Phone: 718-828-9772

What volunteers do:

  • teach ESOL (Tues & Thurs, 2-4, 10-week commitment, fluency in Bengali helpful)

  • offer computer training 4-8 hours week (weekday mornings), spoken fluency in Bengali required

  • translate

  • assist in office

  • community outreach

  • plan events

Borough: Bronx

Mission: Union Settlement is an on-the-ground resource for East Harlem residents of all ages, and a passionate advocate for the needs of underserved communities. Since opening our doors in 1895, we have brought education, wellness and community-building programs to our neighborhood, empowering New Yorkers with opportunities to better their lives. By helping our neighbors realize their goals, we build the vitality and success of East Harlem. Our offerings—from youth and adult education classes, to Meals-on-Wheels, mental health services and programs for senior citizens—span more than a dozen locations across the neighborhood. They are designed to touch every member of a family and support the interdependent needs of every generation and culture in our neighborhood.

Website: https://unionsettlement.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSenPLp8WqgYKzeOWhhDX6wGkW9jvhlKyWHzd_UIM5LNV33lWw/viewform
Email: info@unionsettlement.org
Phone: 646-672-5082

What volunteers do:

  • homework help with children ages 5-12, M-F, 3-5

  • help special-needs children with homework, M-F 3-4 (must have special-needs experience)

  • GED program assistant (commit to a trimester, reading M, W, noon-3; math Mon-Thurs, noon-3)

  • literacy partner for adults work one-on-one or with small group, one morning shift per week (bilingual a plus)

  • develop and implement recreational activities for seniors, mornings, commitment at discretion of volunteer

  • friendly visiting with seniors (3-4 hours/month for 3-6 months)

  • senior phone chat (2-4 hours/month for 3-6 months)

  • beautification and maintenance

  • file, data entry (2-5 hours/week)

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Urban Upbound’s mission is to break cycles of poverty in public-housing neighborhoods by providing residents with the tools and opportunities necessary for self-sufficiency and economic mobility. The Financial Fitness Program offers a wide array of financial empowerment services to help clients tackle debt, overcome an immediate financial crisis, develop realistic budgets, and save and invest in their future. The Urban Upbound Federal Credit Union offers safe and secure financial services including access to capital, asset building vehicles and ownership stakes for its members. The College Access Program provides comprehensive college preparation services with a focus on SAT preparation, career exploration, mentoring, and financial counseling services to achieve our goal of increasing college graduation rates for disadvantaged students in our communities. Urban Upbound is also working to ensure that public housing neighborhoods have access to basic goods and services — including fresh food, high-quality retail, and mainstream financial services.

Website: https://urbanupbound.org/volunteer/
Email: development@urbanupbound.org
Phone: 718-541-4116

What volunteers do:

  • distribute flyers about financial literacy and consumer protection

  • outreach and tabling about financial literacy programs

  • present workshops on financial literacy and consumer rights

  • mentor high-school-aged youth in College and Career Access program, providing knowledge and support surrounding the college application process, financial aid, and the workforce

  • mentor disconnected youth in Exploration in Careers program

  • provide workshops on job readiness or workplace etiquette

  • adult career-counseling support (one-on-one assistance with resumes, practice interviewing, and motivation towards completion of secondary and postsecondary credentials

  • help clients define savings goals and develop realistic action steps, putting on budgeting and saving workshops

  • certified tax preparers help clients file returns

Borough: Bronx, Queens

Mission: Women for Afghan Women (WAW) is a grassroots, civil society organization; our mission is dedicated to securing and protecting the rights of disenfranchised Afghan women and girls in Afghanistan and New York, particularly their rights to develop their individual potential, to self-determination, and to be represented in all areas of life: political, social, cultural and economic. We advocate for women's rights and challenge the norms that underpin gender-based violence wherever opportunities arise to influence attitudes and bring about change.

Website: https://womenforafghanwomen.org/get-involved/
Volunteer signup form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IY0sMUksomrLXTK1EunfCzB-BprtXavIAXpb_mBmT_A/viewform?edit_requested=true
Email: https://womenforafghanwomen.org/contact/
Phone: 718-591-2434

What volunteers do:

  • homework help/tutor children in 1st-8th grades, weekly commitment encouraged (Tues, Wed or Thurs, 4-6)

  • instructor in empowerment classes for women (ESOL, computer basics, learner’s permit prep, citizenship interview prep) weekly commitment for 4-5 weeks, female volunteers only

  • marketing, accounting, publicity/PR, management


  • all volunteering with Afghan women and children through NY Cares (link on WAW website)

Borough: Queens