We Are New York Values



Mission: Founded in 1997 as the Business Center for New Americans, Accompany Capital was originally part of the New York Association for New Americans, an organization created in 1949 to resettle World War II refugees. Accompany Capital creates a pathway to prosperity for New York area immigrant, refugee, and underserved entrepreneurs, supporting them as they launch and grow their businesses with access to affordable credit, financial education, and training in technology and best business practices.

Website: https://accompanycapital.org/get-involved/
Email: info@accompanycapital.org 
Phone: 212-898-4130 or 347-730-6468

What volunteers do:

  • business professionals mentor business clients and conduct workshops

  • undergraduate and graduate students conduct research, analyze data reports, and assist with marketing and publicity

Borough: Manhattan and Queens

Mission: Adhikaar, meaning rights, is a New York-based nonprofit organizing the Nepali-speaking community to promote human rights and social justice for all. Since 2005, Adhikaar has been committed to improving the lives of the Nepali-speaking community and getting our voices heard in the social justice movement. We facilitate access to information and resources on immigration, health, workers’ rights, and other issues; we organize the community to collectively advocate against social injustices and human rights abuses; we conduct participatory action research and policy advocacy on issues affecting our community; and we build leadership of members, with the focus on marginalized groups within the Nepali-speaking community.

Website: https://www.adhikaar.org/volunteer/
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdiBbe3UmtG-eFDdWqLrlGR1TPrZ1CN740vsKhpGCY2DtujyA/viewform
Email: info@adhikaar.org
Phone: 718-937-1117

What volunteers do:

  • teach weekly English classes

  • outreach/community engagement

  • voter engagement (door knocking, phone banking)

  • research/writing

  • interpret/translate

  • administrative assistance

  • event assistance

  • publicity/media

  • fundraising

  • IT Support


  • Nepali, Tibetan, Hindi, a plus

  • teaching commitment is 3 months minimum

Borough: Queens

Mission: Our mission is to support and empower the Arab immigrant and Arab-American community by providing services to help them adjust to their new home and become active members of society. Our aim is for families to achieve the ultimate goals of independence, productivity and stability. 

Website: https://www.arabamericanny.org/get-involved
Phone: 718-745-3523
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3_d0ccBpuekemLl96mfxpvB0poZQEs3shhbV1Ko1RLPKzYQ/viewform
Email: Volunteer@ArabAmericanNY.org

What volunteers do:

  • ESOL

  • citizenship practice

  • women's advocacy

  • email support

  • security specialists

Mission: Asylum Support Clinic is a volunteer-driven, pro se free legal clinic for asylum seekers in NYC. ASC assists asylum seekers who lack legal representation to file their asylum applications in a way that reduces the challenge and trauma of the process, while also giving them the best chance at prevailing in immigration court. ASC provides critical support for immigrants who have left behind their families, jobs, and homes in search of a safe haven from violence and persecution.

Website: https://www.asylumsupportclinic.org/volunteer
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeeHPphuMnU_wqOGC-K3PfYhm2-Aop70CkAk8GjFHzNDtOMvg/viewform
Email: asylum.s.clinic@gmail.com
Phone: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • ·      document drafters and interpreters assist asylum seekers in the pro se asylum application process

  • ·      childcare volunteers engage children while parents work with document team

  • ·      volunteer attorneys provide guidance to document teams

  • ·      clinic set-up assistants prepare work space for the weekly clinic


  • ·      when you email, please include your name, contact information and how you found out about ASC

  • ·      clinics run for six-week cycles; commitment to full six weeks desirable (substitutions must be stated on volunteer form)

  • ·      clinics are held Tuesday evenings, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

  • ·      set-up volunteers work Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.

  • ·      document drafters and interpreters work as a team with the same asylum seeker for the entire clinic cycle

  • ·      interpreters must be fluent

  • ·      two Zoom trainings (60-75 minutes each) are required before the first volunteer cycle

 Borough: Manhattan

Mission: The Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) believes that a thriving multiracial democracy requires racial, social and economic justice for all. African Americans and black immigrants are stronger together and we can win by becoming leaders in the fight against structural racism and systemic discrimination. BAJI was formed to bring Black voices together to advocate for equality and justice in our laws and our communities. BAJI educates and engages African American and black immigrant communities to organize and advocate for racial, social and economic justice.

Website: https://baji.org/our-work/chapters/newyorkcity/
Phone: 347-410-5312
Email: https://baji.org/contact/

What volunteers do:

  • attend monthly meetings and plan campaigns and events to advance a collective vision for transformation (current campaigns include: Safety Beyond Policing; Freedom Film Series; Private Prison Divestment; ICE-free NYC)

Mission: The Brave House is a community of support for young immigrant and refugee women and gender-expansive youth, ages 16-24, in New York City, with a focus on survivors of gender-based violence. We provide free legal aid, community events, and holistic services, including leadership training, one-on-one advocacy, mental health support, job and school assistance, support for new and expecting moms, and much more. 

Website: https://www.thebravehouse.com/volunteer.html
Email: operations@thebravehouse.org 
Phone: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • attend networking events for Brave House members to help take steps toward their career goals

  • at Dream Big events, work with Brave House members and Brooklyn College students on professional development tasks like resumes and LinkedIn profiles

  • at Wellness Wonderland events, provide self-care offerings (e.g., massage, reiki, acupuncture) for young immigrant women 


  • Dream Big events are two hours

  • Wellness Wonderland events are 2.5 hours

Mission: BronxWorks helps individuals and families improve their economic and social well-being. From toddlers to seniors, we feed, shelter, teach, and support our neighbors to build a stronger community. In all aspects of our work, BronxWorks strives for the highest ethical and performance standards and is guided by the belief that people are to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their present situation or past experiences.

Website: https://bronxworks.org/take-action/volunteer-with-us/
Email: https://bronxworks.org/contact-us/
Phone: 646-393-4000

What volunteers do:

  • Community Health Advocates volunteers conduct street outreach; attend afternoon and evening community meetings; and assist in planning informational sessions geared towards individuals and small businesses

  • volunteer attorneys and JD candidates assist low-income individuals in the preparation of affirmative applications for immigration benefits

  • Positive Living volunteers serve lunch or dinner or help in food pantry for people living with HIV/AIDS

  • administrative work

  • teach ESOL

  • teach Civics


  • for CHA, high school diploma, strong writing and computer experience, and ability to do public speaking required

  • ESOL and Civics classes happen Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Borough: Bronx

Mission: Founded in 1988, the Eighth Avenue Community Chinese-American had a humble beginning, with only a handful of people providing limited social services on a voluntary basis, helping immigrants who had low English proficiency with issues related to government social programs. In the following years, this fledging organization grew into what is now known as the Brooklyn Chinese-American Association (BCA). BCA worked with the NYPD to eliminate Asian youth gangs in the area, allowing the Brooklyn Chinatown to proudly emerge as the first Asian community in New York City to eliminate the problem of gang violence. In late 1991, BCA implemented youth after school program. In 1992, BCA initiated the LPN and Nurse’s Aide Training Program. In 1993, BCA started providing adult literacy programs and established the 8th Avenue Senior Center. In 1994, BCA renovated an abandoned garment factory building on 5000 Eighth Avenue, converting the first floor into a day care center and established its Main Community Development Center on the second floor. In the years that followed, BCA has concentrated its efforts on providing much-needed services in six major areas: early childhood educational services, youth services, adult educational programs, social services, senior services, and community involvement and activism.

Website: http://www.bca.net/eng/support.html
Email: bca@bca.net
Phone: 718-438-0008

What volunteers do:

  • work at BCA’s main office or one of its eighteen service sites across southern Brooklyn (email them directly for specific opportunities)


  • Mandarin and other Chinese dialects helpful

Mission: The mission of Brooklyn Public Library is to ensure the preservation and transmission of society's knowledge, history and culture, and to provide the people of Brooklyn with free and open access to information for education, recreation and reference. Brooklyn Public Library will be a vital center of knowledge for all, accessible 24 hours a day, and will be a leader in traditional and innovative library services which reflect the diverse and dynamic spirit of the people of Brooklyn.

Website: https://www.bklynlibrary.org/support/volunteer
Volunteer application: https://bpl.bklynlibrary.org/volunteer/
Email: https://bpl.bklynlibrary.org/questionpoint/write_us.aspx
Phone: 718-230-2100

What volunteers do:

  • adult literacy tutors work with a small group of adults who read below a 5th-grade level on reading, writing, technology, and critical thinking (commitment of 2 2-hour sessions/week or 1 3-hour session/week for one year)

  • homework helpers assist children one on one and in small groups on homework and use of library materials (commitment 2-3 hours/week between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. for six months)

  • Book Buddies are youth volunteers who work with younger children on reading, arts, crafts, and library activities; assist library staff (commitment 2-3 hours week for 3 months; in summer, 3-9 hours week for three weeks)

  • Citizenship exam coaches work with small groups on speaking, reading, writing, navigating the naturalization process (commitment 2-3 hours/week for 6 months)

  • computer coaches assist library patrons in use of computers both for library tasks and advanced software programs (commitment 2-3 hours/week for three months)

  • English conversation group leaders select material for discussion in small groups and lead conversations (commitment 2-3 hours/week for a minimum of 6 months)

  • First Five Years volunteers work with children birth to five and their parents and caregivers, assisting in selection of materials, reading aloud, supporting library programs and maintaining First Five Years space (commitment 2 hours/week for six months)

  • high school tutors help students with homework, standardized tests and college applications; shifts are between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. M-Th (commitment 2-3 hours/week for six months)

  • Reading Troubadours work alone or in teams of two at non-profit health care clinics reading to children, and their parents/ caregivers; distribute donated books; introduce parents and caregivers to libraries and services; submit monthly reports on activities; shifts between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. M-F and between (;00 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Saturdays (commitment of 2 hours/week for six months)

  • shelf organizers help BPL staff maintain materials in proper locations (commitment 2-3 hours/week for 3 months)

  • resume coaches assist library patrons/visitors with resumes, cover letters, job applicatiosn, thank you lettesr and other employment related letters, providing critique, editing, and suggestions for revision (commitment 2-3 hours/week for 3 months)

  • Central Library Welcome Ambassadors assist patrons in navigating the library and answering other Brooklyn-related questions (commitment 2-3 hours/week for 6 months)


  • most but not all positions require volunteers to be 18

  • application, interview, information session, initial 20-hour training and follow-up training required for adult literacy tutors; materials and curriculum provided

  • online application and background check required for tutoring children, First Five Years program, Reading Troubadors

  • training provided for citizenship exam coaches, English conversation group leaders, high-school tutors, Reading Troubadors, resume coaches

  • knowledge of a second language useful but not required (Spanish and Cantonese particularly helpful for Reading Troubadors)

Borough: Brooklyn

Mission: CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities works to build grassroots community power across diverse poor and working class Asian immigrant and refugee communities in New York City. We were founded in 1986 by Asian working-class women alarmed by the spike of hate violence on Asian communities and its root causes stemming from institutional racism in the United States. Through our organizing model of base-building, leadership development, campaigns, alliances, and organizational development, we organize Asian communities to fight for institutional change. CAAAV currently has three programs organizing low-income Asian immigrants in Chinatown and Queensbridge Public Housing for racial, gender, and economic justice. Our Chinatown Tenants Union (CTU) builds power of residents to protect affordable housing through: organizing tenants in buildings acquired by predatory landlords to challenge unjust evictions and harassment; activating tenants to become CTU members who lead campaigns to change City and State agencies and policies for greater tenant protections and affordable housing; engaging Chinatown in the Equitable Rezoning Campaign to build a community envisioned by the long-time residents that is sustainable for the long-term.

Website: https://caaav.org/take-action
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc6Cuhbie2dvTfAdQLGHYqf2lv1WZfKaKhNmQ0uNnaKIF9ayg/viewform
Phone: 212-473-6485
Email: justice@caaav.org

What volunteers do:

  • outreach to rent-stabilized and public-housing tenants

  • data entry

  • fundraising committee for special events

  • interpret/translate in Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Bangla

Borough: Manhattan, Queens

Mission: The mission of Cabrini Immigrant Services of NYC (CIS-NYC) is to provide essential services to immigrants in the spirit of Mother Cabrini, patron saint of immigrants and founder of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Since its inception in 1999, CIS-NYC has worked with the immigrant community all over New York City and serves all persons residing in the metro area regardless of age, race, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or immigration status.

Website: https://cis-nyc.org/volunteer
Email: info@cis-nyc.org
Phone: 212-791-4590 x100

What volunteers do:

  • food pantry volunteers unload shipments, organize the pantry, distribute food (Mondays and Tuesdays)

  • Cantonese speakers help with Tuesday food distribution, phone calls, and document translation

  • social media

  • Photoshop

  • Microsoft Access

  • marketing and media (writing and graphic design)

  • course/workshop instructor in English, Spanish, civics, immigration law, knitting, cooking

  • paralegals and lawyers donate pro-bono time and expertise

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: CIANA serves new immigrants in New York City, providing culturally competent and language appropriate services to newcomers from the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. Newcomers are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities available to them, to enjoy the freedoms and protections that the US offers, to take pride in their cultural heritage and to blend the best of their ethnic identity with that of their new country.

Website: https://www.cianainc.org/volunteer
Phone: 718-545-4040
Email: info@cianainc.org or volunteer coordinator Emiliano Barron: emiliano@cianainc.org

What volunteers do:

  • assist ESOL instructor and/or civics instructor

  • case manager

  • tutor elementary-school kids

  • social media, community outreach, write grants, fundraise, PR, web development, office assistance

  • pro-bono immigration attorneys lead one-hour Saturday Pathway to U.S. workshops at sites around Queens or 4 hours on-site per week (assist with changes of status, petitions for family members, DACA renewal, and N-400 applications)


  • Arabic, Spanish, Bengali very helpful

  • (ESOL and Civics instruction is 10 a.m.-1 p.m, T, W, Th

  • adult education or ESOL experience required for teachers

Borough: Queens

Mission: Based in New York's Chinatown/Lower East Side, the Chinese Progressive Association works towards social and economic justice for our community. We build ties with other communities and support justice and equality for all. We provide educational, advocacy, service, and organizing programs that raise the community's living and working standards, involve residents in the decision making processes that affect our lives, bring together people from of diverse backgrounds and walks of life.

Website: https://www.cpanyc.info/volunteer.html
Volunteer application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5PllWCyr1c7muLDFrNTGisgxm8BooN4icvCLZabIng56LbA/viewform
Teaching application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdHaEvC0cXo3gNVhF5bze9pOfjs96NJG6Zd5hmPnevq7dETLA/viewform
Email: cpanyc@cpanyc.org
Phone: 212-274-1891

What volunteers do:

  • voter registration and education (Chinese Political Empowerment Project)

  • teach English & citizenship classes

  • outreach and education, citizenship application clinic (Immigrant Rights Project)

  • facilitate Shared Stories Youth Program (plan and run social activism activities for youth ages 15-21)

  • work on Environmental Health and Justice Project

  • plan special events

  • translate and interpret


  • training provided for community outreach

  • Immigrant Rights Projects volunteers work Saturdays or Sundays

  • teaching commitment is 2 hours/week weekday mornings or evenings; preference given to volunteers able to commit to 2 semesters; teaching experience preferred; bilingual skills a plus

  • youth group sessions are Sundays, 10:30-1:00

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Commonpoint is a community centric nonprofit, serving diverse audiences through every chapter of life, across the five boroughs and beyond. We offer a rich range of services through our vast network of professionals, social workers, and volunteers, giving people the tools and resources to connect and grow.

Website: https://volunteers.commonpoint.org/volunteer-sign-up
Email: resettlement_volunteers@commonpoint.org
Phone: 732-639-1579

What volunteers do:

  • work one-on-one with refugee clients as career mentors to support them with job placement and career development (e.g., building resumes, writing cover letters, conducting mock interviews, and connecting mentees to relevant professional networks)

  • facilitate job readiness courses for newly arrived refugee clients (topics include financial literacy, workers' rights, and interview preparation)


  • career mentors meet remotely with mentees

  • career mentor commitment is 1-2 hours per week

  • for facilitators, comfort or experience teaching small groups (5-8 students), especially regarding job readiness topics is not a requirement but a plus

  • facilitator commitment is 1-2 hours once a month

  • volunteers sought who can teach in Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Dari/Pashto, Haitian Creole, or Arabic

  • curriculum is already designed

  • a Commonpoint staff member will be present during courses to answer any questions the volunteer may not know the answer to

Borough: Manhattan (for job readiness courses); other work is remote

Mission: CUNY Citizenship Now! provides free, high quality, and confidential immigration law services to help individuals and families on their path to U.S. citizenship. Our attorneys and paralegals offer one-on-one consultations to assess participants’ eligibility for legal benefits and assist them in applying when qualified. We also coordinate community, educational, and volunteer initiatives to help expand opportunities for New York City’s immigrant population. Our centers offer free immigration services to all members of the community (both CUNY students and non-students) at CUNY campuses and city council offices.

Website: https://www.cuny.edu/about/administration/offices/communications-marketing/citizenship-now/volunteer/
Volunteer signup form: https://ybephbsyus.formstack.com/forms/volunteer_corps_registration_form
Email: cunycitizenshipnow@gmail.com
Phone: 646-344-7245

What volunteers do:

  • assist immigrants in overcoming barriers to naturalization and help them become U.S. citizens


  • seeking speakers of Arabic , Chinese , French, Hindi, Kreyol, Korean, Russian, Spanish

  • lawyers, law students, and non-lawyers welcome

  • immigration assistance events held two Saturdays per month

  • training available on weekday evenings; participation in training will expand possible volunteer roles

  • volunteer application on site

  • confidentiality agreement required

Borough: all

Mission: Damayan means “to help each other” in Filipino. Damayan is a nonprofit organization that empowers low-wage workers to fight for their labor, health, gender and immigrant rights. Established in 2002 by a group of Filipina domestic workers, we self-empower grassroots leaders to eliminate labor trafficking, fight labor fraud and wage theft, and to demand fair labor standards to achieve economic and social justice. We promote discussions on gender, race, class, globalization and forced migration to raise public awareness and support against the systemic causes of the exploitation of low wage workers, particularly migrant women domestic workers. Damayan also works to reunify families divided by migration.

Website: https://damayanmigrants.ourpowerbase.net/volunteer-intern-damayan-form
Phone: 212-564-6057
Email: contact@damayanmigrants.org
What volunteers do:

  • organize vulnerable communities by creating call lists of individuals to check on daily

  • help with community outreach

  • help with office tasks such as filing, data entry

  • provide legal help

  • IT support


Mission: Detention Watch Network (DWN) is a national coalition of organizations and individuals working to expose and challenge the injustices of the United States’ immigration detention and deportation system and advocate for profound change that promotes the rights and dignity of all persons.

Website: https://www.detentionwatchnetwork.org/take-action/advocate
Phone: N/A
Email: N/A

What volunteers do:

  • meet with legislators

  • visit detention centers for oversight

  • write about local detention centers for media

Borough: National organization based in D.C. but activities can be done anywhere.

Mission: The English-Speaking Union arose from the conviction of its founder, Sir Evelyn Wrench, that given the opportunity to know one another personally, people who shared a common language would soon discover that they also shared similar values, whatever their differences in nationality or background. He imagined the ESU as an inclusive organization "founded in no narrow attitude of race pride, in no spirit of hostility to any people." Its educational mission would be carried out by a host of activities allowing for personal contact between peoples at every level. The Andrew Romay New Immigrant Center (ARNIC) is a free program that helps recent low-income immigrants, including asylum seekers, to participate fully in American society.

Website: https://www.esuus.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Mentor volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7bAxBD6SU0KdsWm9NpI_-wUwvjzNioBgea71d2AyEJV_csg/viewform
Conversation partner signup form: https://esuus-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtcOuhpz8vHNGhzY1XOnTSdEZJxPKzqmaY#/registration
Email: eia@esuus.org
Phone: 212-818-1200

What volunteers do:

  • English in Action volunteers become conversation partners for non-native speakers

  • mentor immigrant job seekers


  • conversation partners volunteer two hours/week, Tuesday evenings or Saturday mornings

  • orientation session offered weekly

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: First Friends of NJ and NY upholds the inherent dignity and humanity of detained immigrants and asylum seekers. We provide compassion and hope through volunteer visitation, resettlement assistance and advocacy.

Website: https://firstfriendsnjny.org/volunteer/
Volunteer interest form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdBpElipWoEFPOjUmYsUIMduRmPY2_wirj_QFVc4Na2r8khmg/viewform
Email: https://firstfriendsnjny.org/contact/
Phone: 908-965-0455

What volunteers do:

  • visit immigration detainees (at NJ detention centers)

  • pen pals write to detainees regularly (from anwywhere)

  • twice a year, collect writing materials for detainees– paper, envelopes, stamps, and phone cards

  • solicit donations for writing materials

  • help pack folders of writing materials

  • advocate for detainees via social media

  • accompany asylum seekers to hearings


  • visiting takes place at detention centers in New Jersey but other volunteer work can be done from home

  • training and access provided for visitors and those accompanying asylum seekers to hearings

  • Spanish speakers urgently needed

Borough: NJ-based visits take place at Elizabeth Detention Center, the Hudson County Correctional Center, the Bergen County Jail and at Essex County Correctional Center-Delaney Hall

Mission: We are dedicated to abolishing immigration detention worldwide, while ending the isolation of people currently suffering in this profit-driven system. Through our visitation network, hotline, and other initiatives, we are building power together and across borders to end immigration detention.

Website: https://www.freedomforimmigrants.org/volunteer-positions-descriptions
Email: Amanda Diaz, adiaz@freedomforimmigrants.org
Phone: 510-822-2722

What volunteers do:

  • detention hotline volunteers speak directly with people currently detained in immigration detention who are calling to report conditions, abuse, and neglect, and to seek support.

  • family support hotline volunteers field calls from family members of people in detention to obtain referrals for legal support, locating a loved one lost in detention, or reporting abuse.

  • hotline alternates provide backup for regular volunteers who are unable to cover their assigned shifts


  • must be over 18.

  • must have access to laptop, phone, and stable internet.

  • shifts are two hours long.

  • family support shifts are generally quiet – only a few calls in a two-hour shift.

  • detention hotline shifts are busiest in the middle of the day (3-5 calls/shift); early morning or late-night shifts may receive 1-2 calls.

Borough: All

Mission: HIAS stands for a world in which refugees find welcome, safety, and freedom. HIAS rescues people whose lives are in danger for being who they are. We protect the most vulnerable refugees, helping them build new lives and reuniting them with their families in safety and freedom. We advocate for the protection of refugees and assure that displaced people are treated with the dignity they deserve. Guided by our Jewish values and history, we bring more than 130 years of expertise to our work with refugees.

Website: https://hias.org/how/volunteer/
Phone: 212-967-4100
Email: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • write letters to detainees (once a month)

  • conversation partner (2/3 hours/week)

  • translate/interpret for legal cases

  • pro bono legal services (25-150 hours per case)

Borough: Manhattan office

Mission: Human Rights First is an independent advocacy and action organization that challenges America to live up to its ideals. We believe American leadership is essential in the global struggle for human rights, so we press the U.S. government and private companies to respect human rights and the rule of law. When they fail, we step in to demand reform, accountability and justice. Around the world, we work where we can best harness American influence to secure core freedoms. We know it is not enough to expose and protest injustice, so we create the political environment and policy solutions necessary to ensure consistent respect for human rights. Whether we are protecting refugees, combating torture, or defending persecuted minorities, we focus not on making a point, but on making a difference. For more than 35 years, we’ve built bipartisan coalitions and teamed up with frontline activists and lawyers to tackle global challenges that demand American leadership.

Website: https://humanrightsfirst.org/action/work-with-asylum-seekers/
Email: info@humanrightsfirst.org
Phone: 212-845-5200

What volunteers do:

  • lawyers provide pro-bono assistance to refugees and asylum seekers

  • non-lawyers interpret meetings with potential asylum clients and/or help translate documents

  • offer housing to immigrants affected by the travel ban

Mission: Immigrant ARC is a coalition of immigration legal advocates that works on increasing access to justice and access to counsel for all immigrant New Yorkers. We are a community of advocates dedicated to seeking justice shoulder to shoulder with our immigrant clients. We are guided by the needs of the immigrant clients with whom we work. We come together in solidarity with all New Yorkers who believe in fair and just immigration policies and who share our collective outrage at the injustices confronting immigrant communities. We use our knowledge of immigration law and practice to empower each other and the communities we serve to collectively fight systemic oppression and seek respect and dignity for all. We recognize that access to justice for immigrant communities is inextricably linked to the broader fight for racial justice. We commit to working alongside all others who are fighting to achieve a vision of a more just and equitable world.

Website: https://www.immigrantarc.org/volunteer
Email: info@immigrantarc.org
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSddbCehjQNXVMhM54U6P7h3mZXlpBLTibwa1EoIsXiKHi0pOg/viewform
Translator volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScsuyOmXmG4KXtC47hnUJ5q8F_wvJMOZwG-67TKR17mznFvrg/viewform
Phone: 518-888-4507

What volunteers do:

  • ·      Friend of the Court volunteers assist pro se respondents at immigration court (conduct a brief screening, assist with change of address forms, answer questions, and stand with respondents during their initial hearing to help resolve any administrative issues preventing the case from moving forward)

  • ·      assist at know-your-rights workshops

  • ·      assist at rapid response clinics

  • ·      translate documents/materials for Immigrant Help NY website 


  • volunteer agreement and adherence to code of conduct required

  • Friend of the Court volunteers work at 290 Broadway on select mornings and 201 Varick Street on select afternoons

  • translators needed in Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, Haitian Creole, or Chinese

Borough: Brooklyn/Manhattan

Mission: Since 1994, Immigration Equality has been proud to advocate for and represent lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ), and HIV-positive immigrants seeking safety, fair treatment, and freedom. As the only LGBTQ organization with a staff of immigration attorneys, Immigration Equality impacts both the individuals we serve and the immigration system as a whole. For more than 20 years, we have been focused on providing free direct legal services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,queer, and HIV-positive immigrants, including: asylum seekers forced to flee to the U.S. to find safety; LGBTQ immigrant and binational couples and families separated by oceans; detainees trapped in immigration jail facilities; and undocumented LGBTQ people living in the shadows inside the U.S. Unlike in the U.S. criminal justice system, representation is not provided to individuals in immigration court. At Immigration Equality, we fundamentally believe in access to counsel.

Website: https://immigrationequality.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Signup form: https://immigrationequality.org/get-involved/volunteer/help-out-our-staff/
Pro bono lawyer signup form: https://immigrationequality.org/get-involved/volunteer/join-our-pro-bono-network/
Phone: n/a
Email: info@immigrationequality.org

What volunteers do:

  • pro bono lawyers

  • translate documents for asylum applications, interpret in client interviews, interpret in court

  • make calls

  • photography

  • mailings

  • computer support

  • event support

  • bartend/waitstaff at events

  • graphic design

  • videography (shooting/editing)

Mission: Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement  is a community-based, non-profit organization providing comprehensive services and programs to youth, families, immigrants and seniors in the western Queens community. The mission of Jacob A. Riis Neighborhood Settlement is to build and strengthen underserved communities in Western Queens and to act as a catalyst for change.

Website: https://www.riissettlement.org/volunteer/
Email: info@riissettlement.org
Phone: 718-784-7447 x133

What volunteers do:

  • conversation partners and tutors for adult English for Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) learners in the Immigrant Services program

  • tutoring, homework help, and group project supervision in Riis Academy (after-school and summer youth development program)

  • tutor for K-12 students between 3-9 weekdays, minimum one hour/week, six-month commitment

  • mentor older students 6:30-9 weekdays, minimum one/hour/week one-year commitment

  • collect donations, plan events

  • translate for non-English speakers at senior center

  • one-time opportunities include service days, art projects, holiday meals and celebrations, painting at community center, revitalizing community garden

Borough: Queens

Mission: KCS envisions a world where immigrant communities remain grounded in their heritage and work together with the broader community to build a better society at large. KCS’s mission is to be a bridge for Korean immigrants and the wider Asian community to fully integrate into society and overcome any economic, health and linguistic barriers so that they become independent and thriving members of the community. We accomplish this mission by providing culturally competent programs in the areas of aging, education, immigration, workforce development, and public health.

Website: https://kcsny.org/kcs-careers/#volunteer
Email: info@kcsny.org
Phone: 718-939-6137

What volunteers do:

  • communications/newsletter

  • teach adult literacy

  • translate/interpret Korean/English

  • social media

  • photography

  • tech support

  • administrative duties

  • nursing

  • web design

  • Google analytics

  • fundraise

  • register voters

  • assist in senior centers

  • assist at health fairs

  • assist in after-school and Saturday school

  • support job-training/workforce development programs for low-income and limited-English proficient seniors


  • Korean, Cantonese, or Mandarin a plus

Borough: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens

Mission: Our mission is to protect and strengthen democratic institutions, resist abuse of power and corruption, and defend the rights of those who suffer in the absence of good government.

Website: https://www.lawyersforgoodgovernment.org/volunteer
Volunteer lawyer survey: https://l4gg.typeform.com/to/i5OiKzZB?typeform-source=www.lawyersforgoodgovernment.org
Lawyer/interpreter signup form for immigration work: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/we-stand-with-immigrants-their-families-sign-up-to-volunteer
Non-lawyer signup form for immigration work: https://l4gg.typeform.com/to/d0f9Gf
Email: support@l4gg.org
Phone: N/A

What volunteers do:

  • provide telephonic interpretation for Dilley, Texas pro bono project

  • provide telephonic interpretation for immigrants seeking release on bond

  • provide representation for immigrants seeking release on bond

  • prepare parole requests for asylum seekers

  • conduct country conditions research for pro se asylum seekers

  • coordinate volunteers

  • provide administrative support

  • media relations/PR

  • develop social-media content

  • fundraising

  • research/writing/blogging


  • organization is based in Texas, but much work can be done remotely

  • some asylum seekers in need of representation are in New Jersey

  • opportunities available for lawyers and non-lawyers

Mission: Make the Road New York (MRNY) builds the power of Latinx and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice. At MRNY, we believe that to organize effectively for justice, the people most impacted by injustice must lead. That is why we are a membership organization and why we are led by working class immigrants and people of color.  In the current crisis, MRNY will be educating thousands of local residents about their rights as immigrants; organizing to keep ICE out of our homes, and confronting enforcement officials if and when they come; advocating for local residents who have been unjustly detained; and serving as a model of solidarity and resistance for cities and states across the country.

Website: https://maketheroadny.org/join-our-team/#volunteer-opportunities (scroll down)
Volunteer signup: https://mrny.my.salesforce-sites.com/VolunteerInquiry
Phone: 718-418-7690 x4703

What volunteers do:

  • help prepare meals

  • work in community food pantry

  • help adult literacy students develop English skills or pass citizenship exams

  • help immigrants determine eligibility/complete applications for emergency assistance

  • translate and interpret

  • administrative work/make phone calls

  • community education and outreach

  • organize committee meetings and events

  • film

  • provide graphic design

  • archive

Mission: The Educational Alliance’s historic East Broadway headquarters has been transformed into the Manny Cantor Center: a settlement house of yesterday and a community center for today, and tomorrow. Offering exciting events, award-winning programs, and critical services for people ages 0 to 100+, the Manny Cantor Center is a hub of diversity and inclusivity, of health and fitness, of education and of excellence. We hope the Manny Cantor Center will provide a space for growth, achievement, enjoyment and connection for all Lower East Siders today.

Website: https://mannycantor.org/mcc-changemakers/volunteer-opportunities/
Email: info@MannyCantor.org
Phone: 646-395-4280

What volunteers do:

  • serve lunch to older adults (set tables, take tickets, serve, clean)

  • serve dinner to seniors (assist with kitchen prep/cleanup, greet and interact with seniors)

  • sort and organize donated materials for use in children’s educational programs

  • pick up donations

  • assist teachers in school and family workshops using donated materials

  • discuss careers with teens

  • work in English conversation group with Chinese speakers

  • work at theater ticket desk for seniors, once/week

  • translate school materials into Cantonese or Mandarin

  • assist in ESOL classes for low-income parents of young students

  • tutor core high-school subject areas (English, Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Trignometry, Earth Science & Living Environment, Global & US history, Regents/Test Prep) either one-on-one or in small group


  • application required for all volunteering (needs change; current needs always posted on site)

  • ESOL commitment is weekly to either 9:30-11:30 a.m.or 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. shift

  • translation commitment is 8-10 hours/month

  • tutoring commitment is one day/week, M-Th, either 4-5 p.m. or 5-6 p.m.

  • lunch volunteering slots available M-F, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

  • dinner volunteering slots available M-F, 4:30 p.m. -6:15 p.m. (demand highest Mon and Tues)

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Masa partners with Mexican and Latino children, youth, and families in the South Bronx to develop strong learners and leaders who fully participate in and contribute to the larger community. We envision a community that is civically engaged, empowered, and educated. Masa offers a broad range of direct services and referrals; supports children from 18 months through college and beyond, through each stage of their development; and promotes civic engagement and community organizing while delivering services.

Website: https://masany.org/volunteers/
Phone: 646-481-5890
Email: info@masany.org

What volunteers do:

  • tutor and provide homework help to elementary and middle-school students

  • help in pre-K playgroup

  • work in literacy program

  • support teen students from a high school for new immigrants


  • teen support is Mondays, 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.

  • playgroup is Mondays, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

  • tutoring and homework help is Monday - Thursday 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

  • training provided for tutoring/homework help

Borough: Manhattan, Bronx

Mission: In the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy, Mercy Center empowers women and their families in the South Bronx to liberate themselves from economic poverty. We promote their right to an improved quality of life by addressing the needs of the whole person, developing skills for healthy family living and economic advancement, and building a community of respect, hospitality, and non-violence.

Website: https://mercycenterbronx.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Email:  Judit Criado Fiuza, jfc@mercycenterbronx.org or info@MercyCenterBronx.org
Phone: 718-993-2789

What volunteers do:

  • ESOL instructor/ESOL conversation partner; morning, afternoon and evening classes, Monday-Saturday; instructors needed Mon-Fri 9 a.m -2 p.m. and 6 p.m-9 p.m. (commitment: 2 days/week, 2-3 hours/day)

  • computer instructor (English and Spanish-speaking) for basic computer skills and concepts as well as Microsoft Office (English Monday & Wednesday afternoons and evenings, Saturday afternoons; Spanish Tuesday & Thursday afternoons and evenings; Saturday afternoons; commitment: 1-2 days/week)

  • assist with tutoring/homework, computer tutorials, field trips (museums, cultural sites) and other enrichment activities for children grades K-8, Monday-Thursday, 3:15 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (commitment: 1-4 days/week)

  • one-on-one or small group reading instruction for children, grades K – 5, who are reading below grade level (Saturday morning sessions; prior teaching experience a plus)

  • babysit ESOL participants’ children while they attend class (Tuesday-Friday, morning and late afternoon sessions; childhood education experience a plus)

  • screen potential naturalization applicants, assist with naturalization application completion, help naturalization candidates prepare for citizenship interviews. Spanish required. (Monday-Friday; commitment: 1-3 days/week, 4hrs+/day)

  • facilitate small-group conversations for parenting classes (experience facilitating small groups or working with parents preferred, especially in multicultural environments) Wednesdays, 6 p.m.-8 p.m.

  • administration (computer, general office work)

  • legal assistance (flexible hours, Spanish a plus)


  • for ESOL instructors, teaching experience required

Borough: Bronx

Mission: The Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty is the voice of the Jewish poor and the first line of defense for our community’s needy. We fight poverty through comprehensive social services and treat every individual with dignity and respect. Our network of grassroots Jewish Community Councils strengthens families and neighborhoods throughout New York City. In the fight against poverty, we serve immigrants, seniors living on fixed incomes, the un- and underemployed and anyone else in need. As an organization founded on Jewish values, we serve everyone with dignity and empathy, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion.

Website: http://metcouncil.org/take-action/
Email: info@metcouncil.org
Phone: 212-453-9508

What volunteers do:

  • serve Sunday brunch to seniors

  • package food for home delivery

  • accompany seniors to medical appointments

  • lead workshops for immigrant clients (e.g., tax preparation, budgeting and financial planning, dressing for an interview and negotiating salary, nutrition, cooking, exercise)

Boroughs: all

Mission: Inspired by the Franciscan tradition of ministering to people who are alienated, displaced, or persecuted, the “pilgrims and strangers” in our midst, The Migrant Center at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi welcomes immigrants/migrants of various ethnic backgrounds regardless of political or religious affiliation. We assist immigrants/migrants with their legal needs and to navigate the social service system through referral and on-site services such as ESL Classes, free health screenings, etc. We participate in solidarity, advocacy and network building aimed at protecting and promoting the rights and welfare of immigrants (e.g., campaign against wage theft and other oppressive employment issues, visits to the Immigration Detention Center) in collaboration with other immigrant/migrant organizations and institutions. We raise public awareness and provide opportunities for involvement in initiatives that promote and protect the rights of immigrants/migrants in collaboration with other organizations and institutions. The Dignity and Development project will seek to provide migrants and refugees, especially women, children and adolescents, and LGBT,  with the personalized support, vocational training, and social activities that will help to restore dignity and promote personal and professional development during the migration experience and the long and often drawn-out asylum application processes.

Website: https://stfrancisnyc.org/migrantcenter/
Phone: 212-736-8500 x377
Email: migrantcenter@stfrancisnyc.org

What volunteers do:

  • immigration lawyers or lawyers of any field of practice or paralegals or legal representatives provide pro-bono legal services, especially for difficult cases or provide free legal consultation on site

  • intake coordinator (weekly commitment)

  • translate from your native tongue to English

  • be a sign-language interpreter

  • be a social-services assistant

  • help immigrant/migrants access the social-service system

  • participate in advocacy campaigns

  • visit detainees

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: The re-election of Trump has led to heightened fear in our communities, but we are determined to build the resistance that will dramatically shift the public opinion around immigration in this country and win permanent protection, dignity, and respect for the entire immigrant community. We are exposing the repression that our community faces and creating spaces of protection and resistance to defend ourselves and our communities. We are creating spaces of sanctuary and building community teams that can respond quickly to the raids, detentions, and deportation crises. We demand that the Democrats pardon the 11 million undocumented people in this country and make their offices and homes sanctuaries for the most vulnerable amongst us. Cosecha believes that if the American public is honest that this country relies on immigrant labor and immigrant consumption, it will completely shift the discourse around immigration in this country. To that end, we are also building toward a massive #MigrantBoycott to begin to show the public how much the economy of this country depends on immigrants.

Website: https://www.lahuelga.com/volunteer/
Phone: n/a
Email: movimientocosechainfo@gmail.com

What volunteers do:

  • arts/music

  • legal skills

  • digital organizing

  • fundraising

  • coordinate actions

  • press outreach

  • translate

  • finance/accounting

  • graphic design

  • texting/texting trainer

  • answer emails/Facebook messages

  • provide web support

  • phonebank

  • social media

  • data entry

  • translate


  • initial call or training required

Mission: New Immigrant Community Empowerment (NICE) is a community-based organization dedicated to building the power and advancing the rights of immigrant workers in New York. Current campaigns focus on curtailing wage theft through contractor licensing reform, protecting job seekers through employment agency reform, garnering municipal support for worker centers, and fighting for comprehensive and inclusive immigration reform. NICE operates a Community Job Center where workers collaboratively agree on rules and fair wages and connect with potential employers. The center serves as a safer alternative for workers who solicit employment at street corners and at employment agencies. At the center, NICE offers leadership and skills trainings, health and safety certification courses, Know-Your-Rights workshops, English classes, assistance to recover unpaid wages, and referrals to critical services.

Website: https://www.nynice.org/volunteer-opportunities
Volunteer signup form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvAOBDbKmT7fly11ejU_63Uk8ulG9eep93cLFguw0jYH2QKA/viewform
Phone: 718-205-8796
Email: info@nynice.org

What volunteers do:

  • host an event

  • fundraise

  • write for the blog

  • social media

Borough: Queens

Mission: Our mission is to teach English and American culture to immigrants and other newcomers through a well-trained volunteer corps to help ease their transition from newcomer to New Yorker. We offer English language training and programs in American culture to immigrants, refugees, students, and other newcomers to the United States.  Each year, we serve hundreds of newcomers – our members – and manage a volunteer corps of more than 500.  Our members represent a wide variety of cultures and backgrounds from approximately 80 countries.  Many were trained professionals in their home countries, others come seeking an education and a better life for their children.

Website: https://www.newintlcenter.org/volunteer.html
Email: https://www.newintlcenter.org/contact-us.html
Phone: 646.901.3405

What volunteers do:

  • one-to-one conversation partner at the center

  • small-group conversation partner at community-based organizations and public schools throughout NYC

  • lead discussion classes covering English skills including pronunciation, grammar, idioms, and vocabulary

  • lead classes on topical subjects (e.g., U.S. history and politics, American culture, music, literature of food and cooking)

  • lead 1-3 session workshops on career skills (resume and cover letter writing, interviewing and networking); computer skills, internet training, math art, education

  • lead “How to Survive in New York” workshops on getting a driver's license, banking and budgeting, applying for college, and healthcare

  • volunteer registrars help introduce new members to the Center, give tours and help with the registration process

  • help with administrative tasks (answer phones, answer questions about programming, general office tasks)

  • outreach and recruitment (distribute flyers in the community, research new outreach contacts, help organize recruitment data, and help design outreach materials)


  • application and two references required

  • conversation partners must be native speakers of English

  • conversation partners paired with members based on their availability; conversation can take place any time during IC operating hours (Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. -8 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m. -7 p.m.)

  • outreach programs take place twice a year for 10-18 weeks; conversation partners usually meet for an hour to ninety minutes with the learners in their group

Borough: Center is in Manhattan; outreach is citywide

Mission: New Neighbors Partnership welcomes refugees, asylee, and asylum-seeking families by helping them forge positive social connections with local families who can provide emotional, informational, and concrete support as they resettle. The New Neighbors Partnership matches refugee, asylee, and asylum-seeking families with local New York City families who have slightly older kids and can pass on hand-me-down clothing donations on a regular basis. This initiative provides ongoing support to families who usually receive (at most) three months of government agency assistance when they first arrive in the United States. Kids grow quickly, families have continuous need for children's clothing, and New York City non-profits lack the manpower to run continuous clothing drives and sort donations, as well as the space to store donations. With the NNP, clothes go directly from the families that have them to the families that need them. Additionally, more than half of clothing ends up in a landfill within a year of being manufactured. Ensuring clothes are reused protects our environment from needless waste. Hand-me-down partnerships have been established between New York families and newly resettled families from 32 countries, including Afghanistan, Guinea, Ukraine, Central African Republic, China, Ghana, Egypt, Honduras, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Chad, the Philippines, Tajikistan, Burkina Faso, Russia, El Salvador, Tanzania, Guatemala, Haiti, Nigeria, Venezuela, and Azerbaijan. 

Website: https://www.newneighborspartnership.org/get-involved
Email: https://www.newneighborspartnership.org/contact
Phone: N/A

What volunteers do:

  • partner families commit to passing along 2-3 rounds of hand-me-down clothes to their match-family each year

  • plan community picnics to bring together refugee families and their new neighbors

  • provide specialized assistance (social work supervision, tax preparation/accounting)


  • time commitments vary from 1-6 hours per month

  • volunteer needs change; check back for new listings

Boroughs: all

Mission: New Women New Yorkers is dedicated to empowering young women immigrants in New York City. Through our programs we provide them with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to recognize and develop their potential, pursue better educational and professional opportunities, and become role-models and agents of change in and for their communities. Our focus is on serving recent women immigrants, first-generation high school and college students, refugees and asylum seekers, and immigrant mothers with young children, regardless of legal status. The 16-35 age range is a key period in the life of any woman, a time of significant identity development and decision-making, both in the personal and family realms, as well as with regard to educational and professional advancement. We work with young women immigrants coming from all national, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. Cross-community projects and activities help reduce inter-group prejudice and promote community relations. Also, because the young women immigrants who participate in our programs do not share the same native language, this stimulates the use of English to communicate, while making it less intimidating. Although New Women New Yorkers does not offer ESL classes, it incorporates the English language component in all projects and activities in an innovative and effective way.

Website: https://www.nywomenimmigrants.org/volunteer/
Email: abbey@nywomenimmigrants.org

What volunteers do:

  • attend one team meeting/month

  • edit

  • blog


  • fluency in another language expected, Spanish in particular is a plus to support multilingual programming

  • seeking professionals who work in high-growth industries, particularly those with experience in the clean-energy industry

Mission: Our mission is to defend and promote the fundamental principles and values embodied in the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, and the New York Constitution, including freedom of speech and religion, and the right to privacy, equality and due process of law for all New Yorkers. We believe that all New Yorkers have inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government or by majority vote. They are: 1) Freedom of speech, press, petition and assembly. Even unpopular expression is protected from government suppression and censorship. 2) Freedom of religion. Each of us has the right to exercise his or her own religion, or no religion, free from any government influence or compulsion. 3) Privacy. We have the right to be free from unwarranted and unwanted government intrusion into our personal and private affairs, papers and possessions. 4) Due process of law. We have right to be treated fairly by the government whenever the loss of liberty or property is at stake. 5) Equality before the law. We have the right to be treated equally regardless of nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, disability or socio-economic status. The NYCLU fights for civil liberties and civil rights through a multi-layered program of litigation, advocacy, public education and community organizing. Our clients are men and women, rich and poor, gay and straight, black, white and brown, young and old, religious and atheist, able-bodied and living with a disability, citizens and immigrants. When we vindicate their rights, all New Yorkers benefit.

Website: https://www.nyclu.org/get-involved/volunteer
Volunteer sign-up form: https://secure.everyaction.com/ssCbBhITCEGRQdrsRQZ1rQ2
Phone: 212-607-3300
Email: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • online activism

  • grassroots lobbying

  • community organizing

  • lobby with NYCLU in Albany (next day of action March 13, 2017)

  • monitor protests

  • writing/journalism

  • research

  • help fundraise

  • graphic design

  • multimedia support

  • translate (Arabic , Chinese , French, Hindi, Korean, Kreyol, Polish, Spanish, Russian, Urdu)

  • photography/videography

  • education

Mission: The New York Immigration Coalition aims to achieve a fairer and more just society that values the contributions of immigrants and extends opportunity to all.  The NYIC promotes immigrants’ full civic participation, fosters their leadership, and provides a unified voice and a vehicle for collective action for New York’s diverse immigrant communities.

Website: https://www.nyic.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Volunteer form: https://www.tfaforms.com/5139809
Email:  volunteer@nyic.org
Phone: 212-627-2227

What volunteers do:

  • community outreach (e.g., flyering, phonebanking)

  • event logistics (e.g., registration, resource distribution)

  • ;anguage access support (e.g., interpretation and/or translation)

  • ;egal clinic support (e.g., application preparation, intake)

  • marshaling (advocacy actions and rallies)

  • photography (e.g., advocacy actions and rallies)

  • pro bono lawyers conduct legal screenings and advise clients on their rights under immigration law


  • lawyers and BIA-certified volunteers needed but many volunteer opportunities are for non-lawyers

  • being bilingual in English and Spanish, French, Mandarin, Korean, Arabic, Fulani, or Pulaar is a plus

Borough: Manhattan office, outreach work in all boroughs

Mission: Founded in 1990, the New York Legal Assistance Group provides high quality, free civil legal services to low-income New Yorkers who cannot afford attorneys.  Our comprehensive range of services includes direct representation, case consultation, advocacy, community education, training, financial counseling, and impact litigation. NYLAG assists victims of domestic violence, immigrants seeking citizenship, elderly New Yorkers in need of public benefits and homecare, children with special needs, tenants at risk of foreclosure and eviction. NYLAG is unique for its ability to serve not only the abject poor, but also individuals and families who earn slightly above the government-designated poverty threshold. We’re able to serve this population because we neither apply for, nor do we receive, Federal Legal Services Corporation (LSC) funding. NYLAG has 125 community offices located in courts, hospitals, and community based organizations in all five boroughs of New York City as well as Westchester, Rockland and Long Island.  We also partner with over 600 health and human services agencies across the City to provide cross-referrals and ensure holistic care for New Yorkers in need.

Website: https://nylag.org/volunteers/
Email: volunteer@NYLAG.org
Phone: 212-613-5000

What volunteers do:

  • retired attorneys, attorneys in transition, law students and law graduates interact directly with clients and provide legal and factual research, litigation preparation, client advocacy, discovery, motion practice under supervision of NYLAG attorneys (commit to working minimum of 2 days or 15 hours per week either at NYLAG’s Manhattan headquarters or at community offices across the five boroughs)

  • translate and interpret

  • administration

  • development

  • finance

  • general operations

Mission: The Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights (NMCIR), is a non-profit organization, founded in 1982 to educate, defend and protect the rights of immigrants. Recognized by the Board of Immigration Appeals, NMCIR is committed to expanding access to legal immigration services, participating in policy making and community organizing. The Coalition educates, organizes and defends the immigrant community. Most of the individuals who walk through the doors of the Coalition are low-income, non-citizen immigrants from the Caribbean, Latin America, and increasingly, Africa and the Middle East. Some have lived in the U.S. for decades, others are recent immigrants. The Coalition is often their first entrée into accessing legal aid or basic social services.

Website: https://nmcir.org/volunteer/
Phone: 212-781-0355
Email: info@nmcir.org

What volunteers do:

  • help with citizenship drives

  • help with special events

  • assist with English and civics classes

  • day-to-day running of the organization

  • communications (writing, film making, graphic design, speech writing, mass media relations, social media, website)

  • provide legal/paralegal services if qualified

  • fundraising

  • community organizing


  • Spanish language a plus

  • legal services provided Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • civics and English classes held nights and weekends

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Parent-Child Relationship Association aims to strengthen family relationships and promote parent-child bonding. PCR has been a pillar of the Brooklyn immigrant community by providing services, programs, and resources to the families and engaging them with volunteer activities. We help immigrant families develop a sense of belonging, increase civil engagements, take responsibility, and give back to society, creating a more harmonious community environment. Our community consists of predominantly Chinese immigrants who are not fluent in the English language.

Website: https://www.pcr.nyc/become-a-volunteer
Volunteer application: https://www.pcr.nyc/_files/ugd/eb20ce_807b4ae6fe0f4a63b95f2686542cc409.pdf
Email: volunteer.pcrnyc@gmail.com
Phone: 718-301-8648

What volunteers do:

  • participate in virtual career panels

  • clean up local parks

  • organize, distribute, and provide food to community members in need

  • help community members determine eligibility and apply for benefits

  • tutor K-5 students


  • PCR volunteer ID required

  • must wear PCR t-shirt when volunteering

  • volunteer commitment is 30 hours/year

  • mandatory 2-hour volunteer orientation

  • Mandarin, Fujianese, Cantonese, or Spanish extremely helpful/necessary for some activities

  • food distribution commitment is 2 hours on alternate Sundays

  • food volunteers must be able to lift and carry ‘

  • park cleanup is 2 hours on Saturday or Sunday

  • afterschool tutors must commit to two weekday afternoons a week between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. during the NYCDOE school year

  • afterschool tutors must speak both English and Chinese

  • interview and training required for afterschool tutoring

Borough: Brooklyn

Mission: The Asylum Network at Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) offers pro bono forensic evaluations to document evidence of torture and other human rights abuses for immigrants fleeing persecution in their home countries. Each year, tens of thousands of people from around the world seek safety through the complex and restrictive United States immigration process so that they can re-build their lives in the US. This vulnerable group includes survivors of torture, domestic abuse, trafficking, and other forms of persecution. Asylum seekers often have nothing more than their own words to substantiate their suffering, but some of the most compelling evidence they can offer — physical and psychological signs of trauma — can be documented by a health professional and can make the difference between safety in the U.S. and forcible return to countries of persecution.

Website: https://phr.org/get-involved/participate/health-professionals/
Application form: https://www.tfaforms.com/4641939%20
Email: https://secure.phr.org/secure/contact-us
Phone: 646-564-3720

What volunteers do:

  • conduct forensic evaluations to document evidence of torture and other human-rights abuses


  • seeking physicians, psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers

  • application required

  • training required (usually available 2x/year)

  • written evaluation guide provided (overview of asylum law and procedure, how to conduct an evaluation, components of effective medical-legal affidavits and testimony)

  • sample evaluations and affidavits available

  • mentoring/support provided

Mission: We provide around-the-clock professional trauma-informed interpretation and translation to asylum seekers, refugees, and thousands of other individuals for whom language is a barrier to accessing safety, dignity, and support.

Website: https://respondcrisistranslation.org/en/get-involved
Volunteer interest form: https://airtable.com/appBMXwF5i6jLfkkn/pagDPblU22EOS8Eam/form
Volunteer translator signup form: https://forms.fillout.com/t/kC1mhjDttwus
Email: n/a
Phone: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • proofread in English and other needed languages

  • storytelling

  • update social-media platforms

  • manage translation projects ((asylum cases, domestic violence police records, educational materials for immigrant families integrating a new school system, etc)

  • teach English, with a focus on improving oral skills

  • collect and write stories about language rights violations and interventions for blog/newsletter


  • current language needs include Afghan languages, Bangla, Spanish, and Vietnamese

Mission: Ruth's Refuge is the only organization devoted to providing furniture and home essentials to refugees and asylum seekers rebuilding their lives in New York City. Refugees and asylum seekers arrive in New York City with rich and varied life experiences but few tangible assets. Many recently settled families are unable to furnish their homes, often sleeping on the floor as they work to pay off debts, find jobs and otherwise struggle to make their way in an unfamiliar city. Our goal at Ruth's Refuge is to welcome these families by providing them with apartment furnishings and other home essentials in partnership with local resettlement agencies. Our volunteers donate furniture, buy new appliances and linens, load moving trucks, assemble furniture and bring love and welcome into the homes of newcomers.

Website: https://www.ruthsrefuge.org/volunteer-1
Email: https://www.ruthsrefuge.org/contact-us or leah@ruthsrefuge.org

What volunteers do:

  • inventory storage units

  • move furniture

  • help set up apartments and assemble furniture


  • inventory shifts are generally on Wednesday mornings

Mission: Safe Passage Project addresses the unmet needs of immigrant children living in New York by providing legal representation to empower each child to pursue a safe, stable future. We recruit, train, and mentor volunteer attorneys for unaccompanied minors in immigration court. Our volunteer lawyers ensure fair and compassionate treatment of children facing deportation and assist each child toward educational engagement and achievement. Without us, many of these children would be unrepresented and unaware of paths to citizenship. Safe Passage also conducts “Know Your Rights” presentations and hosts Citizenship Clinics for students who may not adequately understand their rights.

Website: https://www.safepassageproject.org/get-involved/#volunteer
Phone: 212-324-6558
Email: help@safepassageproject.org
Lawyer volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7_vzK-ipLjyT932hvNiukk_4k_0f-SDTeNp7QTWqxXtg7dw/viewform
Interpreter volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-869jsxBrlmD3IOUA2aZLY0_ZwQ1UHudMM862aAkq2A3Ujg/viewform

What volunteers do:

  • lawyers and law students accompany minors to immigration court

  • interpret

Borough: Manhattan office; work in Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan

Mission: Sapna NYC is an emerging non-profit serving the South Asian immigrant community from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh in New York City. Our organization reflects a unique academic-community partnership. In 2007, Dr. Alison Karasz, a faculty member at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and a clinical psychologist, received a grant from the National Institutes of Helath to conduct a needs assessment and design a culturally competent intervention for depression in South Asian women immigrants. Over the two year project, we heard the same message over and over again from participants, waiting list members, and families—“We need services! We need support! We need a space for women to gather!” Our organization provides services, fosters economic empowerment, and serves as a laboratory for the development of culturally appropriate health interventions.

Website: https://sapnanyc.org/volunteer/
Email: info@sapnanyc.org
Phone: 718-828-9772

What volunteers do:

  • teach ESOL (Tues & Thurs, 2-4, 10-week commitment, fluency in Bengali helpful)

  • offer computer training 4-8 hours week (weekday mornings), spoken fluency in Bengali required

  • translate

  • assist in office

  • community outreach

  • plan events

Borough: Bronx

Mission: SAYA aims to foster a strong sense of belonging in youth and provide them with tools to thrive academically, professionally and personally. SAYA youth come from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds. Our youth who identify as South Asian or belong to the region’s diasporas trace their ancestries to countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Guyana, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tibet, and Trinidad and Tobago.

Website: https://www.saya.org/volunteer/
Volunteer signup form: https://form.asana.com/?d=1200759312018460&k=4nNYSGVcSnRtR1QVD5Sbgw
Email: saya@saya.org
Phone: 718-651-3484

What volunteers do:

  • tutor/mentor youth

  • archive and document materials

  • help with marketing

  • provide media training to youth and staff

  • mentor a young person through the college application process

  • participate in a career panel

  • attend a professional networking mixer to prepare youth for interviews

  • lead a session(s) on your speciality (e.g., teach our youth yoga, crafts, dance — Bollywood, Hip Hop or classical Bharatnatyam

  • participate in annual youth & volunteer sporting events

  • hold fundraisers

  • translate simple documents (Spanish, Bengali, Punjabi, and Arabic)

Borough: Queens, Brooklyn

Mission: S.A.F.E. seeks to empower immigrants and vulnerable populations who have been marginalized due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, and other factors to reach their fullest potential by providing humanitarian assistance, while fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse communities. SAFE identifies and then collaborates with recent immigrants who would like to further their personals goals (e.g., achieving legal immigration status, finding a job, accessing healthcare, etc.) while giving back to the community.  SAFE views each individual holistically and as an agent in their own empowerment rather than as a “case.” SAFE has teamed up with RUSA LGBT to offer monthly legal clinics that provide monthly one-on-one consultations on immigration and other issues.

Website: https://www.safeasylum.org/volunteer/
Email: info@safeasylum.com
Phone: N/A

What volunteers do:

  • lawyers assist at monthly walk-in clinic, answer questions regarding immigration status and options, including court and application preparation

  • mentors lend a hand navigating daily life, whether immigration-based needs, employment guidance, or general interests

Mission: We believe in the inherent dignity of each person and the power of community to challenge the injustices of the legal system. South Brooklyn Sanctuary is designed to meet community members' urgent needs within a liberation and transformative justice framework. We reject the distinction between program volunteers and “participants,” and those who receive support are encouraged to assume leadership roles. We train every-day New Yorkers to provide support to immigrants who cannot afford attorneys. Our work includes know your rights presentations, pro bono legal referrals, and assistance to immigrants completing legal paperwork, including change of address and venue forms, work authorization, and asylum and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) applications.

Website: https://www.southbrooklynsanctuary.org/volunteer
Volunteer form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ods4kD7fltCQmlFXpHl_FnwrXWVo4FgTc2IprP7G8-w/viewform?edit_requested=true
Email: southbksanctuary@gmail.com
Phone: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • ·      staff monthly asylum clinics

  • ·      staff weekly know-your-rights events

  • ·      write grants

  • ·      plan events

  • ·      raise funds


  • ·      monthly Zoom orientation on the first Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.

  • ·      Spanish and French speakers needed

Borough: Brooklyn office; serves all five boroughs

Mission: South Bronx United uses soccer to engage community youth and support the South Bronx community. We serve more than 900 boys and girls aged 4-19 combining recreational and competitive youth soccer with academic enrichment, college prep, mentoring, health and wellness promotion, leadership development, immigrant legal services, and other social services. The South Bronx is one of the poorest districts in the entire nation. It also has the hunger rates and the obesity rates among the highest the country. Together, the school districts perform the lowest in the state. At the same time, the borough, and the South Bronx in particular, have the fastest growing immigrant population in the city. South Bronx United aims to make a difference in this community by engaging at-risk and immigrant youth through their passion for soccer.

Website: https://southbronxunited.org/volunteer
Email: info@southbronxunited.org
Phone: 718-404-9281

What volunteers do:

  • tutor youth in math and ELA

  • college prep mentor

  • college prep tutor

  • ESOL tutor

  • travel coach

  • recreational coach

  • after-school coach

  • photography

  • videography

  • web support

  • pro bono legal assistance on immigration issues

  • event planning

  • waitstaff and bartenders at annual fundraiser


  • orientation and training provided for tutors and mentors

  • tutoring is 2 hours/week, group of 2-3 students ages 10-15, M-F 4-6, M & W 6-8

  • college prep mentoring is 2 hours one evening a week for the school year, work with 2-3 seniors on college applications, SATs, Regents, M or W 6-8

  • ESOL tutoring is 2 hours/week for the school year, work with 2-3 ELL students ages 11-18, Tues, Thurs 4-6, Mon, Wed 6-8

Borough: Bronx

Mission: Our goal is to quickly address the most basic needs of individuals and families after they are released from ICE detention facilities and arrive in NYC. We work with those traveling through New York City as well as those settling here to await their court dates. We respond rapidly to urgent needs such as warm clothing and hot meals. We assist by distributing personal necessities and we offer a community rooted in belonging. Community Dinners, hosted twice per month, bring individuals and families together–both those we support and our volunteers—in solidarity, community, and fun. We run a weekly legal triage table to answer questions, review papers, and provide simple services. In our in our pro se (self-representation) legal clinics, we provide guidance to recent immigrants in the completion of their asylum, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and work authorization applications.

Website: https://www.ttlcnyc.org/volunteer
Clinic triage volunteer signup form: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/LegalTriage#/
Pro se clinics signup form: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/PROSECLINICS#/
Email: https://www.ttlcnyc.org/contact or legalteamtlcnyc@gmail.com for lawyers
Phone: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • at legal triage sessions volunteer attorneys answer questions, review papers, and provide simple services (e.g., change of address, work authorization)

  • lawyers, lay people, and translators assist at pro se asylum clinics

  • provide childcare during clinics

  • organize/facilitate clinics

  • act as observers during triage/clinics


  • lawyers, lay people, and translators (Spanish, French, Arabic, and Wolof) needed

Borough: Brooklyn

Mission: UnLocal, Inc. seeks to re-imagine the way legal services are delivered to immigrants in New York City. We are committed to serving the unmet legal needs of New York City’s immigrant communities by: providing and expanding access to legal representation for indigent, especially undocumented immigrants, that is affordable, trustworthy, comprehensive, and multilingual; educating immigrant communities about their rights under immigration laws, how to best prepare for future immigration proceedings and how to protect themselves against fraud, coercion, and opportunism among private immigration attorneys and unauthorized practitioners of law; employing holistic advocacy through referral-based case management in collaboration with other service providers, community-based organizations and city agencies; and developing special projects to address immigration issues based on community needs and assessments. UnLocal’s multifaceted approach targets all dimensions of integration and addresses longer-term needs: social and political rights, cultural and religious diversity, and citizenship and participation.  Ultimately, this approach will lead to increased economic stability in New York City immigrant communities, allowing individuals to realize their full potential.

Website: https://www.unlocal.org/volunteer/
Volunteer signup form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVyuSA85UGFBquZG9nwhj7jgo65pIgPpsYIDC5182fN-Ybog/viewform
Email: info@unlocal.org or https://www.unlocal.org/contact-us/
Phone: 646-216-8210

What volunteers do:

  • translate legal and non-legal documents between Spanish and English

  • pro-bono immigration attorney

  • BIA-accredited representative

  • paralegal

  • administrative help

  • graphic design

  • videography

  • grantwriting

  • filing

  • plan/staff events

  • development/fundraising

  • provide mental-health services

  • massage therapy for clients

Mission: Immigrants want to rebuild their careers. Employers are looking for experienced global talent. Upwardly Global brings them together. Today there are more than 1.8 million immigrants in the U.S. who are college-educated but are unemployed or significantly underemployed. In their home countries they were engineers, doctors, scientists, accountants, and nonprofit professionals. In the U.S. they become cashiers, nannies, and cab drivers, if employed at all. To solve this problem Upwardly Global creates employer partnerships that benefit from access to this talent pool. We also provide customized training and support for these new Americans to give them an equal opportunity to find and secure skill appropriate opportunities and achieve their full economic potential in the U.S. We aim to eliminate employment barriers for skilled immigrants and refugees and integrate this population into the professional U.S. workforce. We envision a United States where skilled immigrants are seamlessly integrated into the professional workforce and the fabric of American life, and are recognized for the value they add to both.

Website: https://www.upwardlyglobal.org/volunteer/
Volunteer form: https://www.upwardlyglobal.org/volunteer-application/
Email: volunteers_ny@upwardlyglobal.org
Phone: 212-219-8828

What volunteers do:

  • mentor job seekers one-on-one to help them prepare for the job market (practice interview skills, clarify professional objectives and focus, gain confidence in presentation and networking, edit cover letters and business communications, introduce mentees to industry contacts); commitment of monthly meetings with additional phone and email contact

  • mock interviewers take part in 3-hour workshop; after brief training, conduct practice interviews for two job seekers

  • take part in 2-hour workshop that simulates a typical networking environment

  • share industry/profession-specific expertise and experience

  • resume reviewers review 1-2 client resumes per month and provide industry-specific feedback

  • Industry experts provide resources for staff

  • lead or coordinate networking roundtable in your industry

  • conduct interviews, over the phone or in-person, and help job seekers understand the intricacies of pursuing a career within a given industry sector or company in the U.S.

  • set up small events for potential supporters to hear about Upwardly Global’s work and meet job seekers and alumni

  • plan special events


  • 3 years of professional experience required

  • excellent English communications and writing skills required

  • templates, specific strategies, cultural tips and a structured but fun approach provided

  • Upwardly Global staff and experienced volunteers available to provide assistance

  • mentors receive 45-minute orientation session

  • mock interview sessions take place monthly on a Saturday morning or weekday night

Borough: Manhattan

Mission: Women for Afghan Women (WAW) is a grassroots, civil society organization; our mission is dedicated to securing and protecting the rights of disenfranchised Afghan women and girls in Afghanistan and New York, particularly their rights to develop their individual potential, to self-determination, and to be represented in all areas of life: political, social, cultural and economic. We advocate for women's rights and challenge the norms that underpin gender-based violence wherever opportunities arise to influence attitudes and bring about change.

Website: http://www.womenforafghanwomen.org/volunteer
Volunteer signup form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IY0sMUksomrLXTK1EunfCzB-BprtXavIAXpb_mBmT_A/viewform?edit_requested=true
Email: https://womenforafghanwomen.org/contact/
Phone: 718-591-2434

What volunteers do:

  • homework help/tutor children in 1st-8th grades, weekly commitment encouraged (Tues, Wed or Thurs, 4-6)

  • instructor in empowerment classes for women (ESOL, computer basics, learner’s permit prep, citizenship interview prep) weekly commitment for 4-5 weeks (female volunteers only)

  • marketing, accounting, publicity/PR, management


  • all volunteering with Afghan women and children through NY Cares (link on WAW website)

Mission: The Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights advocates for the rights of unaccompanied immigrant children. Guided by the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and state and federal child protection laws, the Young Center has developed the only program in the nation that provides guardians ad litem (Child Advocates) for trafficking victims and unaccompanied immigrant children. Through our work as Child Advocates (guardians ad litem), we promote change by advocating for the best interests of individual immigrant children, thereby educating stakeholders about the importance of considering the ‘Respondent’ as a child. Child Advocates are bilingual and often bicultural volunteers who are trained and supervised by attorneys with experience in children’s rights and immigration law. In every case assigned a Child Advocate, the Young Center provides the child’s attorney (if they are represented) and the decision-maker with a report about the best interests of that individual child.

Website: https://www.theyoungcenter.org/volunteer-at-the-young-center
Child advocate volunteer application: https://www.theyoungcenter.org/volunteer-child-advocate-application
Phone: 646-838-0229
Email: info@theyoungcenter.org

What volunteers do:

  • visit with the child each week

  • help the child think through options and decisions

  • accompany the child to court hearings and other important meetings and interviews

  • conduct research on the child’s situation in his or her home country

  • develop best interest recommendations with Young Center staff

  • maintain communication with the Young Center staff

  • advocate for the best interest of the child alongside Young Center staff


  • Spanish, Mandarin, Indian languages (Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati), Bengali extremely valuable

  • two-day training required; ongoing training, support, and supervision provided

  • weekly commitment

  • to enter detention centers, volunteers must have FBI background check, child abuse and neglect background check, and TB screening